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Codejudge v2

Sankha Narayan Guria edited this page Sep 26, 2013 · 1 revision

Scratchpad containing some ideas to create a better Codejudge, a new version. Feedback appreciated.

Codejudge has served us well for the last 2 years, but lets accept it, it has its own shortcomings. I myself hate maintaining it right now (partly because of the horrible code and PHP). Codejudge was largely a single handed effort, what I would propose it to rewrite it as a better system.

This could be a good team effort, and maybe the Programming Club can take it up as project.

I think Python suits our use case well. Though we could still use Ruby or Node.js.

  • Right now the code is intermixed with HTML and PHP, and pain in the ass for debugging.
  • We need to use proper templates, models for the frontend code.
  • We lack tests. Every now and then somebody adds a feature and then another feature stops working, because there are no tests. We should have that.
  • We need a proper sandbox. Currently the security sandbox is handwritten and I cannot guarantee it to be the best out there. We should use proper tools to sandbox user's code submissions.
  • Well, a better language would save a lot of pain points and performance bottlenecks.
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