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Puppeteer Lambda Layer

Create and setup Puppeteer Lambda Layer, this repository contains npm build and Dockerfile to build required image.


  1. Add Variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  3. Setup ECR Repository with name puppeteer-lambda


You can supply body of payload as follow,

interface queryParameters {
     * Url to load, either url or content must be provided.
    url?: string;
     * Html content to load in the browser
    content?: string;
     * Max Timeout for stopTest to turn true, browser will wait till stopTest turns true till given timeout.
    timeout?: number | string;
     * Mobile user agent or just true
    mobile?: string | boolean;
    height?: number | string;
    width?: number | string;
    deviceScaleFactor?: number | string;

     * Saves session as pdf file to given output url, it can be either true or further pdf options for puppeteer.
    pdf?: any;

     * Records video as mp4 file to given output url, it can be either true or further video options for puppeteer-screen-recorder.
     * To record video, script inside web page must call `window.stopRecording` to stop the video, please use stopTest to wait till
     * resources are ready to animate.
    video?: any;

     * Saves output url
    html?: string | boolean;

     * stopTest: a script that, when it will be executed, it must return true to indicate the page is ready
    stopTest?: string;

     * Output url to save.
    output?: string;

     * Should robots.txt file must be checked? default is false.
    botCheck?: string | boolean;

     * User Agent to compare robots.txt.
    botUserAgent?: string;


Get Html

  "body": {
    "url": "",
    "html": "true"

Get Png

  "body": {
    "url": "",

Get Pdf

  "body": {
    "url": "",
    "pdf": {}