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Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

Getting started

1. Open your terminal and clone this repository to a directory you like:
$ git clone
2. Move to the directory which you cloned to:
$ cd /{directory}/frontend-nanodegree-mobile-portfolio-master
3. Install http-server:
$ npm install http-server -g


4. Run server:
$ http-server
5. Visit url:
$ http://localhost:8080

Part 1: Optimize PageSpeed Insights score for index.html

  1. added async attribute on script tags for "analytics.js" and "perfmatters.js".
  2. compressed images by ImageOptim.
  3. changed the sizes of images into smaller ones.
  4. added "media='print'" attribute on style tag for "print.css".
  5. set Web Font Loader and made loading fonts async.
  6. made styles inline.
  7. compressed "index.html".

Part 2: Optimize Frames per Second in pizza.html

  1. replaced querySelector to getElementById.
  2. replaced querySelectorAll to getElementsByClassName.
  3. moved calculations in loops outside there.
  4. moved getElement methods in loops outside.
  5. reduced redundancies of generating variants.
  6. reduced max count of pizza instance, calculating by windows.screen.height, row height and cols.
  7. declared variants used in loops in the first sentence of there.
  8. added transform and backface-visibility properties in "style.css".