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Starter Files for Michigan Data Science Team Pokemon Bots Project

Make sure both node.js v10+ and python 3.6+ are installed. If not already installed visit for node.js and for python.

First, start a virtualenv, see for help. Once your virtual environment is started, run

pip install requirements.txt

In terminal, install the python poke-env library

pip install poke-env 

In terminal, install a server to run your agent on a clone of

 git clone

In terminal, start your server by running

cd Pokemon-Showdown
node pokemon-showdown start --no-security

Creating your first Agent

All credit goes to the great documentation from

We will create an Agent that does not require training; as such we can inherit from Player class like this:

from poke_env.player.player import Player

class Agent(Player):

The Player base class requires that subclasses implement one function: choose_move which describes the action that your Agent will take given a battle state

choose_move(self, battle: Battle) -> str takes in a battle argument, provided to you by the poke-env infrastructure. The battle argument is an object that holds data about the state of the game as the current move. Dive into the documentation for specifics. It must return a string, specifically the move order encoded into a string. The Battle object has multiple properties that can make it easy to access game state. In this example from the documentation, we can define our agent as such.

class Agent(Player):
 def move(self, battle):
  # If the player can attack, it will
  if battle.available_moves:
   # Finds the max base power move among available ones
   best_move = max(battle.available_moves, key = lambda move : move.base_power)
   # Serialize move into a move order string
   return self.create_order(best_move)
   # Make a random move otherwise
   return self.choose_random_move(battle)

In this case some of the methods and properties used were battle.available_moves and move.base_power. Poke-env's core objects, including Battle, Move, etc. provide many many attributes and methods that we can access data useful for creating Agents.

For a more detailed explanation, please visit the official documentation. This example is only meant to give a slight introduction to our environment for PokeRL.


Starter Files for Michigan Data Science Team Pokemon Bots Project







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