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Releases: nearzero/WCI-cap-and-trade


29 Oct 15:09
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Notable changes:

  • Fixed a bug in which the model version number had not been updated in code, and so the output file reported v1.0.1, even when running model v1.0.2. Now the interface and output file both have model version number determined by a setting in the main model code.
    • If you have output files saved from runs from Oct. 18 to Oct. 28 (inclusive), the output files will state that the model version was v1.0.1, but actually it was v1.0.2, in which the bank for each year was higher by ~10 MMTCO2e, due to the fix of a bug regarding the starting value of offset supply. See release notes for v1.0.2.


18 Oct 16:57
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Notable changes

  • Fixed bug in reading historical offsets data, which left out ~10 MMTCO2e of offsets.
  • Changed how reserves sales are calculated, to avoid them being "undone" if market returned to surplus.


15 Oct 22:23
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Notable changes

  • Fixed bug in which allowances available for reintroduction were not properly sorted.
    • Thanks to Dan McGraw of Carbon Pulse for pointing out the problem with the model's reintroductions of unsold allowances.
  • Added model version number to output file.
  • Added text to interface to clarify that bank and unsold quantities shown are for the end of each year.


15 Oct 13:59
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Released Oct 10, 2018