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Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows controlling the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning.


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Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows to control the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning. This low-level control interface is used and developed by/for Prof. Nadia Figueroa and her collaborators and students. Initially developed at MIT in the Interactive Robotics Group continued development at the University of Pennsylvania.


Besides franka_ros and by consequence libfranka this package depends on several other code repositories that are robot-agnostic and useful for control and learning of motion policies from demonstrations.

To install this repo and all its dependencies do the following steps:

  • In your catkin src directory clone the repository
$ git clone
  • wstool gets all other git repository dependencies, after the following steps you should see extra catkin packages in your src directory.
$  wstool init
$  wstool merge franka_interactive_controllers/dependencies.rosinstall 
$  wstool up 
  • Query and installs all libraries and packages
$ rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro <your-ros-distro> 
  • Install some additional python dependencies
$ sudo apt install python3-psutil python3-tkinter
  • Finally complie
  $ cd ~/catkin_ws
  $ catkin_make
  $ source devel/setup.bash
  $ catkin_make
  $ rospack profile

You might need to source the ./bashrc file and compile again if the first compliation could not find some of the in-house dependencies. If roscd doesn't find the compiled packages run rospack profile.


We include a list of instructions for using the franka panda arm with this controller package:


Following we detail instructions on how to bringup the controllers and their functionalities:

Main Robot Launch

To bring up the standalone robot with franka_ros without any specific controller (useful for testing -- can be included in your custom launch file):

roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers franka_interactive_bringup.launch 

This will load all franka_ros (franka_control, franka_gripper, etc.) functionalities + gripper GUI controller + configured rviz settings.

Robot Controllers

Joint Gravity Compensation

To load the joint gravity compensation controller launch the following:

roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers joint_gravity_compensation_controller.launch
  • This will load a joint gravity compensation torque controller. It compensates (from code) the weight of any additional tool (i.e., a tool grasped by the hand or cameras mounted on the gripper). As well as the capability to lock certain joints for ease of demonstration.
  • The external forces imposed on the end-effector with the additional weight should be defined in ./config/external_tool_compensation.yaml. Instructions on how to finding values for your custom tool here. You can toggle to activate/deactivate this compensation online using dynamic reconfigure. Default is set to true.
  • The desired joints to lock and the locked positions can be modified online by dynamic reconfigure. Default is set to false for all locks.
  • To launch franka_interactive_bringup.launch within this same launch file set load_franka_control:=true. Default is set to false.

NOTE: If you run this script and the robot moves by itself, that means that your external_tool_compensation forces are incorrect. See external_tool_compensation instructions to correct it.

Kinesthetic Teaching/Recording Pipeline

You can launch the joint gravity compensation controller together with data recording nodes from my easy-kinesthetic-teaching repository latest-franka branch.

roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers franka_kinesthetic_teaching.launch

If you installed and compiled everything correctly you should see the following windows on your screen:

This will run scripts and nodes that will allow you to:

  • Select topics to record and define path to save rosbags.
  • Run all functionalities from joint gravity compensation controller.
  • Bringup rosservice to record/stop a recording.
  • Visualize end-effector trajectories being recorded in real-time and gripper state (open/closed).
  • Replay recorded end-effector trajectoriers and gripper state in RViz, franka controllers and launch files must be turned off for this functionality.

See Kinesthetic Teaching/Recording instructions for definitions and usage.

Cartesian Impedance Controller with Pose Command

To load a cartesian impedance controller with pose command (a PD control law with position error tracking; i.e., stiffness control and velocity damping) launch the following:

roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers cartesian_pose_impedance_controller.launch

This launch file will load a cartesian impedance controller that:

  • Takes as input a desired end-effector pose (position and orientation) as a geometry_msg::PoseStamped with topic name /cartesian_impedance_controller/desired_pose.
  • Will compensate for external forces imposed by additional tools/accesories mounted on the gripper (as described in joint gravity compensation controller above).
  • Control for a desired nullspace configuration, defined in config/impedance_control_additional_params.yaml, stiffness for nullspace control can be modified online by dynamic reconfigure.

Cartesian Impedance Controller with Twist Command

To load a cartesian impedance controller with twist command (a PD control law with position and velocity error tracking) launch the following:

roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers cartesian_twist_impedance_controller.launch

This launch file will load a cartesian impedance controller that:

  • Takes as input a desired end-effector twist (linear and angular velocity) as a geometry_msg::Twist with topic name /cartesian_impedance_controller/desired_twist.
  • Will compensate for external forces imposed by additional tools/accesories mounted on the gripper (as described in joint gravity compensation controller above).
  • Control for a desired nullspace configuration, defined in config/impedance_control_additional_params.yaml, stiffness for nullspace control can be modified online by dynamic reconfigure.

DS-based Passive Cartesian Impedance Controller

To fill...

Joint Impedance Control with Position Command

To fill...

Joint Impedance Control with Velocity Command

To fill...


Maintainer: Nadia Figueroa (nadiafig @ seas dot upenn edu)
Code Contributions by: Bilkit Githinji, Shen Li.


Please note that the code for some of the controllers in this repository is derived from franka_ros, specifically the franka_example_controllers package which is licenced under Apache 2.0. The remaining code in the repository is licensed under an MIT license (see LICENSE for details).


Control interface built on top of franka_ros that allows controlling the franka robot arm in several joint and Cartesian space impedance control schemes for interactive, safe and reactive (mostly DS-based) motion planning and learning.







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