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react infinitegrid API documentation

Daybrush edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 35 revisions

Prop Types

property type default description
tag String "div" The tag name of container
threshold Number 100 The threshold size of an event area where card elements are added to a layout.
margin Number 0 The margin used to create space around items
useFit Boolean true The useFit option scrolls upwards so that no space is visible until an item is added.
useFirstRender Boolean true The useFirstRender option determines whether the markup will be shown on the first rendering or after loading is complete.
isOverflowScroll Boolean false Indicates whether overflow:scroll is applied
isEqualSize Boolean false Indicates whether sizes of all card elements are equal to one another. If sizes of card elements to be arranged are all equal and this option is set to "true", the performance of layout arrangement can be improved.
isConstantSize Boolean false Indicates whether sizes of all card elements does not change.
useRecycle Boolean true Indicates whether keep the number of DOMs is maintained. If the useRecycle value is 'true', keep the number of DOMs is maintained. If the useRecycle value is 'false', the number of DOMs will increase as card elements are added.
transitionDuration number 0 Indicates how many seconds a transition effect takes to complete.
loading Component Specifies the Loading Bar to use for append or prepend items.
status Object null State object of the react-infinitegrid module
horizontal Boolean false Direction of the scroll movement (true: horizontal, false: vertical)
onAppend Function This event is fired when a card element must be added at the bottom or right of a layout because there is no card to be displayed on screen when a user scrolls near bottom or right.
onPrepend Function This event is fired when a card element must be added at the top or left of a layout because there is no card to be displayed on screen when a user scrolls near top or left.
onLayoutComplete Function This event is fired when layout is successfully arranged through a call to the append(), prepend(), or layout() method.
onImageError Function This event is fired when an error occurs in the image.
onChange Function This event is fired when the user scrolls.


render() {
    return <GridLayout loading={<div className="loadingbar">Loading...</div>}/>;
onAppend = e => {
    e.startLoading(); // loading or loading bar (append)
    e.startLoading(useStyle); // loading bar with userStyle (append)
    e.endLoading(); // stop loading (append) for data error or no data
onPrepend = e => {
    e.startLoading(); // loading or loading bar(prepend)
    e.startLoading(useStyle); // loading bar with userStyle (prepend)
    e.endLoading(); // stop loading (prepend) for data error or no data
onLayoutComplete = e => {
    !e.isLayout && e.endLoading(); // end loading

startLoading(userStyle?: object)

Start loading for append/prepend during loading data.

  • events: onAppend, onPrepend
name type default description
userStyle Object {display: "block"} The custom style to apply to this loading bar for start.


End loading after startLoading() for append/prepend

  • events: onAppend, onPrepend, onLayoutComplete
name type default description
userStyle Object {display: "none"} The custom style to apply to this loading bar for end.


getItems(includeCached?: boolean): IInfiniteGridItem[]

Returns the layouted items.

name type default description
includeCached boolean false Indicates whether to include the cached items.
  • return: List of items

layout(isRelayout?: boolean): this

Rearranges a layout.

name type default description
isRelayout boolean true Indicates whether a card element is being relayouted

getStatus(): object

Returns the current state of a module such as location information. You can use the setStatus() method to restore the information returned through a call to this method.

  • return : State object of the react-infinitegrid module



This event is fired when a card element must be added at the bottom or right of a layout because there is no card to be displayed on screen when a user scrolls near bottom or right.

name type description
groupKey Number, String The group key of the last group visible on the screen
startLoading Function Start loading for append loading data.
endLoading Function End loading after startLoading() for append/prepend loading data.


This event is fired when a card element must be added at the top or left of a layout because there is no card to be displayed on screen when a user scrolls near top or left.

name type description
groupKey Number, String The group key of the first group visible on the screen
startLoading Function Start loading for prepend loading data.
endLoading Function End loading after startLoading() for append/prepend loading data.


This event is fired when the user scrolls.

name type description
isForward Boolean Indicates whether the scroll progression direction is forward or backword.
scrollPos Number Current scroll position value relative to the infiniteGrid container element.
orgScrollPos Number Current position of the scroll.


This event is fired when an error occurs in the image.

name type description
target Element Appending card's image element.
elememt Element The item's element with error images.
item Object The item with error images.
itemIndex Number The item's index with error images.


This event is fired when layout is successfully arranged through a call to the append(), prepend(), or layout() method.

name type description
target Array Rearranged card element.
groupKey Number, String The group key of the first group visible on the screen
isAppend Boolean Checks whether the append() method is used to add a card element. It returns true even though the layoutComplete event is fired after the layout() method is called.
fromCache Boolean Check whether these items are cache or not
isScroll Boolean Checks whether scrolling has occurred after the append(), prepend(), ..., etc method is called
scrollPos Number Current scroll position value relative to the infiniteGrid container element.
orgScrollPos Number Current position of the scroll.
size Number The size of container element.
isLayout Boolean Returns true if this is an event called by resize event or layout method. Returns false if this is an event called by adding an item.
endLoading Function End loading after startLoading() for append/prepend loading data.