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Nate Aune edited this page May 12, 2013 · 45 revisions


The purpose of the Django Starter Kit is to provide a guide to the newcomer to Django. There is a plethora of resources available for learning Django, but as a newcomer, it can be overwhelming to know what's good and where to start. The guide is intended to ease this learning process and steer newcomers in the right direction.

See the other pages created in this wiki.

How do I get Django installed?

First make sure that you have Python installed. See install instructions for Mac, Windows and Linux.

Ok, I got Django installed. Now what?


What is a good editor for doing Python/Django development?

We recommend using Sublime Text 2 which is compatible Note: this is just our personal preference. There are many other perfectly good editors like PyCharm, vim, emacs, Eclipse with PyDev, WingIDE,

I'm on a Mac. Are there any shortcuts

  • Github for Mac
  • + pgAdmin3
  • MySQL Workbench - for browsing your MySQL database
  • SQLLite Manager - Firefox extension for browsing SQLite databases

That polls tutorial is boring. Are there any other getting started tutorials I can try instead?

How do I debug my Django app?

  • The Django Debug Toolbar is an indispensable tool
  • bpython

Where can I go for help?

  • Books: Two Scoops of Django
  • Django user groups: Djangonauts lists meetups all around the world. You can also go to and search for "Django".
  • Twitter: Follow this django-python list of people on Twitter who use Django and Python
  • IRC: visit the #django IRC channel on
  • Mailing lists: The django-users discussion list is a good place to ask questions about Django.
  • Stackoverflow questions/answers tagged with "django"
  • Reddit sub-reddit for Django

Show me the docs!

Where can I find Django add-ons?

How do I install a Django add-on?

  • pip
  • if not released on pypi, use -e to clone from github
  • freeze dependencies in requirements.txt

Can Django do X?


Graphing data:

Scraping data:

What are some cool Django projects that I can look at for inspiration?


How do I get my Django project deployed to a server?