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prog_algs v1.2.1

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@teubert teubert released this 17 Nov 02:55
· 936 commits to master since this release

Hotfix release v1.2.1

An urgent release to fix a bug with the monte carlo predictor in v1.2.0. Fixed the following bugs present in v1.2.0

  • The Monte Carlo Predictor wasn't resetting the time correctly for subsequent samples. The result was that some ToE estimates were wildly off.
  • None type elements in UnweightedSamples were not handled correctly in metrics. This happens when the horizon is lower than the time the last event is reached for the last sample for the Monte Carlo Predictor

Thank you to @kjjarvis for identifying these bugs and for your help resolving them.

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1