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Deep blue theme

This theme is created for Hugo SSG using Tailwind CSS. It's good for blogging.

Demo site


You need to install Hugo first before using this theme. Please follow the official installation guide.

Check Hugo version.

hugo version

Create a new Hugo Site

hugo new site myNewHugoSite

Hugo site will be created in myNewHugoSite folder.

Install theme

Clone this repo inside your themes folder.

cd myNewHugoSite/themes
git clone

Copy example content

Copy all the contents of the myNewHugoSite/themes/deep-blue-theme/exampleSite folder to root folder of your Hugo site, ie myNewHugoSite/

To copy the files using terminal. Make sure that you're in the project root, i.e the myNewHugoSite folder.

cp -a themes/deep-blue-theme/exampleSite/. .

Update config.yaml

Update your project root config.toml (you can use config.yaml format too). You need to update theme and themesDir values in myNewHugoSite/config.toml

theme = 'deep-blue-theme'
themesDir = 'themes'

Set up the configurations in config.toml. reference

Run Hugo

To generate the Hugo site, from the root folder ie myNewHugoSite


For local development, run Hugo's built in local server.

hugo server

Your local site will be served at localhost:1313.


You can change content of each section by using YAML files in data directory.


For editing the theme. Note that this theme is using Tailwind CSS.

  1. Go to themes/deep-blue-theme directory and run npm run watch

  2. Run hugo server on the root directory and see the site locally at http://localhost:1313/.


  1. Go to themes/deep-blue-theme directory and run npm run build This will minify the generated CSS.

  2. Run hugo on the root directory to build the whole site.