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@mynamesleon mynamesleon released this 06 Jul 21:00


  • Option to enable all arrow keys to be used when navigating between tabs via the keyboard (instead of detecting the tablist's aria-orientation value and enabling left and right arrows by default, and up and down arrows for vertical orientation tablists).
  • Option to control the selector that's used when initially looking for tabs, with the default being [role="tab"] as before. This is to give the option of not having role="tab" elements in the DOM initially that may confuse screen readers if the module fails to load (due to external reasons, such as network issues).
  • Allow use of data- attributes: can now use data-controls or data-labelledby to indicate tab-panel relationships as well as aria-controls or aria-labelledby attributes, and can use data-selected="true" to indicate the starting tab(s) as well as aria-selected="true".
  • Horizontal arrow key reversal when the tablist (or document) is in RTL mode.
  • TypeScript definitions added to npm package


  • Moved code and build over to TypeScript for: code improvements, self-documentation, and reduced bundle size by using an ES6 output from TypeScript that's bundled to UMD with webpack.


  • Issue where the API's tabs and panels Arrays were not being updated after a delete action.