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πŸ’  Cross-platform IDE for the command-line

... for Android, BSDs, Linux, macOS, SunOS, Windows (MinGW, WSL)

MulleSDE is an IDE and a dependency (package) manager for the commandline. You could call it a npm or a virtualenv for C languages. Currently C and Objective-C are supported. C++ is very likely to work too.


The basic principle in mulle-sde is the Edit - Reflect - Craft cycle.

Edit - mulle-sde edit sets up the editor of your choice. Use it or any Desktop GUI or the terminal to manage the project files.
Reflect - Changes in the filesystem are picked up by mulle-sde reflect and are used to update build system files and header files.
Craft - mulle-sde craft fetches dependencies, builds them and installs them local to your project. Then it will build your project.


Here is quick run through of commands to get you going with an Objective-C project:

Initialize a project

Choose executable and foundation/objc-developer at the prompts:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
mulle-sde init


mulle-sde init -d myproject -m foundation/objc-developer executable
cd myproject

Look at project

tree .               # or ls -R if tree is not installed
mulle-sde file
mulle-sde view
mulle-sde dependency
mulle-sde library

Develop project

Choose the editor of your choice, for a better demo effect, choose one of the IDEs.

mulle-sde edit

You don't have to use mulle-sde edit though, it's a mere convenience.

mulle-sde definition set CFLAGS "-DFOO=1"
mulle-sde craft
mulle-sde log
mulle-sde product
mulle-sde run
mulle-sde debug
mulle-sde add src/MyClass.m
mulle-sde ignore src/MyClass.m.old
mulle-sde clean
mulle-sde clean all
mulle-sde clean tidy

Add third party dependency

mulle-sde add github:madler/zlib.tar
mulle-sde dependency move zlib to top
mulle-sde craftinfo zlib CFLAGS "-DBAR=1"

mulle-sde clean tidy and the somewhat less safe mulle-sde clean gravetidy will become important, when doing lots of dependency manipulations.

Test project

mulle-sde test init
mulle-sde test craft
mulle-sde test run
mulle-sde test coverage

Going a little deeper

mulle-sde -vv craft
mulle-sde craftorder
mulle-sde craftstatus
mulle-sde environment
mulle-sde patternfile --cat
mulle-sde style
mulle-sde tool

Going deep

mulle-sde callback
mulle-sde config
mulle-sde donefile
mulle-sde headerorder
mulle-sde linkorder
mulle-sde task
mulle-sde -ld -ls -lx treestatus


Outside of a mulle-sde project, you have these commands to initialize a new project or to create non-project files:

   mulle-sde [flags] [command] [options]

   The commandline IDE with the development cycle Edit -> Reflect -> Craft.

   * Edit     you use your preferred editors and file managers
   * Reflect  mulle-sde creates the necessary make files
   * Craft    mulle-sde builds the dependencies and the project

   Start a project with `mulle-sde init` or enter an existing mulle-sde
   project with `mulle-sde <directory>`. Download and craft dependencies
   or embed remote sources with `mulle-sde add`. Get more help with
   `mulle-sde init help` or  `mulle-sde add help`.

   See the Wiki for more information:

   --style <val>  : see `mulle-env help` for style description
   -DKEY=VALUE    : define one-time environment variable
   -ld            : additional debug output
   -le            : additional environment debug output
   -lt            : trace through bash code
   -lx            : external command execution log output
   -n             : dry run
   -s             : be silent
   -v             : be verbose (increase with -vv, -vvv)

   add            : create a source file from templates
   extension      : manage language and buildtool extensions
   init           : create a new project
   init-and-enter : create a new project then immediately start a subshell
   install        : install a remote mulle-sde project, like make install
   libexec-dir    : print path to mulle-sde libexec
   show           : show available meta extensions
   uname          : the simplified uname(1)

   Options are command specific. Use mulle-sde <command> -h for help.

Once a project has been created, you will have a virtual environment with a whole lot more commands at your disposal:

   mulle-sde [flags] [command] [options]

   The commandline IDE with the development cycle Edit -> Reflect -> Craft.

   * Edit     you use your preferred editors and file managers
   * Reflect  mulle-sde creates the necessary make files
   * Craft    mulle-sde builds the dependencies and the project

   Edit source files in 'src'. If you add, delete, rename or move
   source files run `mulle-sde reflect`. Use `mulle-sde craft` to craft your
   project. Add system libraries with `mulle-sde library` and other
   dependencies with `mulle-sde dependency`.

   See the Wiki for more information:

   -DKEY=VALUE    : define one-time environment variable
   -ld            : additional debug output
   -le            : additional environment debug output
   -lt            : trace through bash code
   -lx            : external command execution log output
   -n             : dry run
   -s             : be silent
   -v             : be verbose (increase with -vv, -vvv)

   add            : create a source file from templates
   callback       : manage reflection callbacks
   cd             : change directory to dependency,kitchen et al.
   clean          : clean various parts of the project
   config         : show multiple sourcetree configurations
   craft          : craft the project using mulle-craft
   craftinfo      : show build flags of dependencies
   craftorder     : show craftorder of dependencies
   craftstatus    : show the craft status of the dependencies
   crun           : craft and run if project is an executable
   definition     : change projects craft options like CFLAGS
   dependency     : manage third party components (like GitHub projects)
   donefile       : show contents of donefiles
   env-identifier : get variable name MULLE_UIOS for a name like MulleUIOS
   environment    : manage environment variables (project settings)
   exec           : run a command in a subshell
   extension      : manage language and buildtool extensions
   fetch          : fetch the sourcetree
   headerorder    : show header includes for dependencies and libraries
   ignore         : block files from being crafted
   init           : create a new project
   json           : show dependencies and libraries as JSON
   library        : manage second party (OS) libraries (like pthread)
   linkorder      : show linkorder of dependencies and libraries
   list           : list project files (files matching patternfiles)
   log            : show craft results
   match          : experiment with patternfiles
   monitor        : monitor project files, run reflect and craft
   patternfile    : manage patternfiles
   product        : location of main executable or library, heuristic
   project        : rename a project and its files
   project-dir    : print project root directory
   reflect        : update project makefiles and sources
   run            : run executable product
   searchpath     : show search path for build products
   source-dir     : print project source directory
   status         : show information about the current project state
   subproject     : manage local subprojects
   task           : manage reflection tasks
   test           : run tests using mulle-test
   treestatus     : show the sourcetree status
   unveil         : produce sandbox CSV
   view           : give an overview over the project settings

   Options are command specific. Use mulle-sde <command> -h for help.


De Re mulle-sde is a short introductory guide. It's a quick read, and gives a good overview.

MulleSDE strives to be self-explanatory through help texts and file comments. All commands have a help subcommand for usage information. Most commands have subcommands, that also have further help. E.g. mulle-sde help and mulle-sde dependency help.

The mulle-sde WiKi contains more in-depth information, that doesn't fit into the help texts of the various mulle-sde commands

You are here

mulle-sde is merely there for the developers convenience. The true power comes from commands like mulle-env or mulle-sourcetree. The abstraction offered by mulle-sde rarely makes it necessary to interact with them. Yet these tools have features, not presented by mulle-sde.


See mulle-sde-developer how to install mulle-sde, which will also install mulle-sde with required dependencies.

The command to install only the latest mulle-sde into /usr/local (with sudo) is:

curl -L '' \
 | tar xfz - && cd 'mulle-sde-latest' && sudo ./bin/installer /usr/local


Nat! for Mulle kybernetiK