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Personal Public Services - Infrastructure

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This repository contains the infrastructure as code (IaC) for personal public services using Pulumi.


Creating the Infrastructure

To create the infrastructure and deploy the virtual machine, a Pulumi Stack with the correct configuration needs to exists.

The stack can be deployed via:

yarn install
yarn build; pulumi up

Destroying the Infrastructure

The entire infrastructure can be destroyed via:

yarn install
yarn build; pulumi destroy

Environment Variables

To successfully run, and configure the Pulumi plugins, you need to set a list of environment variables. Alternatively, refer to the used Pulumi provider's configuration documentation.

  • AWS_REGION: the AWS region
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the AWS access key identifier
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the AWS secret access key
  • CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT: the Google Cloud (GCP) project
  • CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION the Google Cloud (GCP) region
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: reference to a file containing the Google Cloud (GCP) service account credentials
  • DOPPLER_TOKEN: the token to access Doppler for secrets
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: the token to interact with GitHub


The following section describes the configuration which must be set in the Pulumi Stack.

Attention: do use Secrets Encryption provided by Pulumi for secret values!


A database is created with the corresponding user.

  databases: a map of databases to create and their owner
  users: a list of users to create


On the edge node the specified ingresses are configured and ports opened accordingly.

  service: a map of the service name to the configuration
      port: the port number
      exposed: should the port be exposed and opened in the firewall? (optional, default: false)
      target: the ingress target configuration if it is not the edge node (optional)
        port: the port number
        service: the service name in the VPC DNS

Edge Instance

The edge instance handles ingress to the network and cluster.

  zone: the Google Cloud zone of the instance (should usually match the cluster zone)
  machineType: the machine type to choose
  sourceImage: the Google Cloud source image to use
  diskSize: the boot disk size
  hostname: the hostname to set; also used for reverse DNS pointer records (optional)
    subnet: the subnet name for the instance
    externalIp: the external IP address name
    ptrRecords: should pointer records be set?
    zoneId: the Google Cloud DNS zone id for the A/AAAA records to set for this hostname


  subnet: a map of the subnet name to its configuration
      region: the Google Cloud region to place the subnet in
      cidr: the CIDR for this subnet (should not overlap with any other subnet CIDR)
  externalIp: a map of the external IP address name to its configuration
      subnet: the subnet to reserve the IP address in
      tier: the network tier (optional, default see network.tier)
      ipv6: should an IPv6 address be reserved? (optional, default: false, tier MUST be PREMIUM)
  tier: the network tier for the network


A Kubernetes (GKE) cluster is setup and configured with given node pools and settings.

  zone: the Google Cloud zone for the cluster
  subnet: the subnet name to place the cluster in
  releaseChannel: the Kubernetes release channel to use
  monitoringComponents: an optional list of additional monitoring components to enable (SYSTEM_COMPONENTS are always enabled)
  enableSecurityPosture: should security posture analysis be enabled for the cluster and its nodes? (optional, default: false)
  nodePools: a map of the node pool name to its configuration
      enabled: should this pool be enabled? (optional, default: true)
      minCount: minimum count of machines
      maxCount: maximum count of machines
      initialNodeCount: initial number of machines to provision
      diskSize: the disk size of each node
      machineType: the Google Cloud machine type to choose
      spot: should the node pool choose spot instances? (optional, default: false)
      labels: a map of labels to apply to the nodes
      taints: a list of taints to apply to the nodes
        - key: the taint key
          value: the taint value
          effect: the taint effect
    projects: a list containing additional Google Cloud projects the cluster/nodes/services are allowed to access
      location: the location of the encryption key (used by ArgoCD ksops)
      keyringId: the keyring identifier
      cryptoKeyId: the crypto key identifier for the specified keyring


The edge instance also handles the mail relay.

  domain: the base domain for the relay
  zoneId: the Google Cloud zone of the instance
  spfInclude: additional include entry for the SPF record
  acmeEmail: the email to use for issuing acme certificates
    host: the host of the outgoing mail relay
    port: the port of the outgoing mail relay
    username: the username to authenticate against the outgoing relay
    password: the password to authenticate against the outgoing relay


  dnsProject: the project name which hosts the DNS zones


bucketId: the bucket identifier to store output assets in

Continuous Integration and Automations