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Evaluation test

Backend Architecture

Backend Architecture is designed to support Microservice Architecture, It is a loose and practical form of Clean Architecture. GRPC is being used at backend, along with ASP.NET Core Web API for exposing service to frontend. This Implementation also contains Simple Memory Caching for backend data.

GRPC Server implemented through Protobuf and same files are being used for creating GRPC client that is being used by Web API for REST service.

Frontend Architecture

Frontend Architecture is designed on React and Redux in Typescript using CRA Create React App. 80% css is custom written, while 20% was a part of CRA framework.


For easy setup all projects can be run through docker-compose. API also exposed to use out side of docker too.


Project can be Run in 2 ways.

  • By running instances of Nib.Career.GrpcServer, Nib.Career.RestApi, and Nib.Career.Web projects through VS (for Web you can also use npm start command through CLI)
  • By running docker-compose build && docker-compose up