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theory in a nutshell

  • easy example to set intuition
    int i = ...
    String s = Match(i).of(
        Case($(1), "one"),
        Case($(2), "two"),
        Case($(), "?")
    and a lazy equivalent with functions
    int i = ...
    String s = Match(i).of(
        Case($(1), number -> "one"),
        Case($(2), number -> "two"),
        Case($(), number -> "?")
  • match is type-safe, so in above examples typing
    int i = ...
    String s = Match(i).of(
        Case($("1"), number -> "one"), // String instead of Integer
        Case($(new Object()), number -> "two") // Object instead of Integer
    will cause compilation errors
  • switch-case on steroids
  • saves us from writing piles of nested if-then-else
  • is not natively supported in Java - we need third party libraries
    • is natively supported in many languages - Scala, Haskell, Kotlin
  • more human readable way
  • reduces the amount of code while focusing on the relevant parts
  • Match(i).of is to some extent the equivalent of switch statement
  • Case consists of two parts:
    • part that matches logic from predicate, for example: $(1) ~ (i -> i == 1)
    • part that tells what should be returned when value matches
      • returned value can be any object
      • returned value can be a supplier of an object
      • returned value can be a function of a matched value
  • public interface Case<T, R> extends PartialFunction<T, R>
    • domain is defined by mentioned above predicate
  • patterns overview
    • $() - wildcard pattern
      • saves us from a MatchError which is thrown if no case matches
    • $(value) - equals pattern
    • $(predicate) - conditional pattern
  • in most cases it acts like an expression, it results in a value, but there is a possibility to handle side effects as well (well-known Void hack)
  • a constructor is a function which is applied to arguments and returns a new instance, a deconstructor is a function which takes an instance and returns the parts (object is unapplied)
  • example of deconstruction - LocalDate -> (year, month, day)
  • structural pattern matching allows us to deconstruct object hierarchies
    return Match(date).of(
            Case($LocalDate($(2019), $(), $()), (year, month, day) -> ...),
            Case($LocalDate($(2018), $(), $()), ...),
            Case($LocalDate($(2017), $(), $()), ...)

conclusions in a nutshell

  • as we cannot perform exhaustiveness checks (feature not supporter on the language level), there is possibility to return an Option result which prevents as from MatchError:

         Case($(predicate1()), ...));
         Case($(predicate2()), ...));
    • and in the case when there is no match for predicate1() and predicate2() we got Option.none() instead of MatchError
  • predefined Predicates

    method description
    allOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if all of the given predicates are satisfied.
    anyOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if at least one of the given predicates is satisfies.
    noneOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if none of the given predicates is satisfied.
    exists(Predicate<? super T> predicate) A combinator that checks if one or more elements of an Iterable satisfy the predicate.
    forAll(Predicate<? super T> predicate) A combinator that checks if all elements of an Iterable satisfy the predicate.
    instanceOf(Class<? extends T> type) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is instance of the specified type.
    is(T value) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is equal to the specified value using Objects.equals(Object, Object) for comparison.
    isIn(T... values) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is equal to at least one of the specified values using Objects.equals(Object, Object) for comparison.
    isNotNull() Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is not null
    isNull() Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is null
  • structural pattern matching (object decomposition using Patterns)

    Try<Integer> _try = Try.of(() -> Integer.parseInt(number));
            Case($Success($()), i -> ...),
            Case($Failure($()), ex -> ...)
  • predefined Patterns

    method purpose
    $Cons(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1, API.Match.Pattern<_2,?> p2) List
    $Nil() List
    $Success(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Try
    $Failure(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Try
    $Future(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Future
    $Invalid(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Validation
    $Valid(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Validation
    $Left(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Either
    $Right(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Either
    $Some(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) Option
    $None() Option
    $TupleN(N...) TupleN
  • user-defined patterns

    • generated by annotation (pre)processor and stored under build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor (gradle)
    • implemented by us in workshops.DecompositionAnswers
      static Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Integer> LocalDate(LocalDate date) {
          return Tuple.of(date.getYear(), date.getMonthValue(), date.getDayOfMonth());
    • then generated by annotation processor
      public static <_1 extends Integer, _2 extends Integer, _3 extends Integer> Pattern3<LocalDate, _1, _2, _3> $LocalDate(Pattern<_1, ?> p1, Pattern<_2, ?> p2, Pattern<_3, ?> p3) {
          return Pattern3.of(LocalDate.class, p1, p2, p3, workshops.DecompositionAnswers::LocalDate);
    • and ready to be used
      return Match(date).of(
              Case($LocalDate($(y -> y < 2000), $(), $()), return something for pre 2000),
              Case($LocalDate($(y -> y >= 2000), $(), $()), return something for after 2000)
  • performing side effects

            Case($None(), run(() -> display.push("cannot find person with id = " + id))),
            Case($Some($()), value -> run(() -> display.push("person: " + value + " processed")))
    • run must not be used as direct return value, i.e. outside of a lambda body - the cases have to be evaluated lazily