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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 1, 2022. It is now read-only.
eleanorstuart edited this page May 31, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the GoldDigger wiki!

Setup Instructions:

  1. Install nvidia docker:

  2. Download this github repository and extract it into a folder

  3. In terminal, navigate to the main golddigger directory and download the models using this command.

sh scripts/

If that doesn't work, download them manually and put them in their respective folders folders:

  1. Build the docker image with the following command:
sh scripts/
  1. Manually edit to set the relevant information

  2. Run the docker container:

    • detached (if you don't need to see all the terminal outputs):
    sh scripts/
    • full Terminals:
      1. run redis server
      sh scripts/
      1. run gold digger docker container and start celery (async task manager)
      sh scripts/
      celery -A GoldDigger worker -l info
      1. open a new terminal window and run django server
      1. open a new terminal window and run flower (to monitor celery processes)
      sh scritps/
  3. In your browser, go to to access the Gold Digger webtool.