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roux g. buciu edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 4 revisions


  • The best and most direct way to communicate with the team is right here in the repo:
    • Open a discussion if you have a question or something you wish to discuss
    • Open an issue if you found a bug, or have a feature request
  • The second best way is to engage on Matrix

Communication guidelines

All communication should remain civil and factual, and adhere to the Mozilla Community Guidelines.

Other bits

Slack Daily Reminder Emoji Response Rules (this is an internal joke)

The proper response to the automated daily events message in slack is a digit emoji (ie. 6️⃣), with the following exceptions:

  • Seven events must be spelled out using a variety of emojis to spell the word seven. Use of VIM and Emacs emojis is highly encouraged
  • Eight events is pretty amazing, and thus must be replied with some version of a "wow" emoji; preferrably the :owl_wow: emoji.
  • Nine events is really pushing it, and can only be acknowledged with the 😱 emoji.
  • Ten events is an incredible rarity and must be celebrated with, at a minimum, a party wizard, a dancing dino, and a party blob.
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