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A while ago, a friend wondered if I could help them with a podcast-related issue. They wanted to merge a podcast feed set into a single, unified RSS feed. One would make the seemingly valid assumption that there would be a million and one tools out there that do arbitrary podcast feed manipulation. After all, it's just a bit of XML. However, multiple minutes of searching Github revealed a meager set of candidates, none playing well with the standard podcast formats. And so, here we are.

merge-podcast-feeds does what it says on the tin and nothing more. It merges a set of podcast feeds into a single RSS feed. You can do one-shot merges, for those special occations, or have it running continuously as a live web service. The program supports polling and basic WebSub and features some oddly specific Castopod integration.

A single JSON configuration file controls the program at resources/json/config.json. It validates feed metadata against iTunes' required tags. Individual episodes are not validated as they are assumed to originate from a correct source. Configuration errors are reported, so check that console!


Expects that you have a correctly formatted resources/json/config.json, see table below for options.

Assuming you have Clojure installed, you can run the command below to check your config generate a single-shot/test .xml.

clj -X:test

Once you have made sure that everything is working, you can start your server and serve the merged feed.

clj -X:server


See resources/json/config.json for an example and starting point. The basic options are:

key value required
host-url string, the base-url that of the feed, i.e. No trailing slashes! required
port integer, the port to host the website. required
slug string, the url foo.bar__/podcast/feed__. Use a leading slash! required
castopod/base-url string, the url of the Castopod API you are talking to. Will merge all available feeds. optional
feeds string[], the feeds you are merging. optional
logging/file-path string, path to save the log. optional
logging/loggers string[], logging outputs, can be "console", "file" or both. Default "console". optional
poll-rate-in-seconds integer, the poll-rate in seconds. optional
websub/hub string, the hub you want to publish to. optional
xml-file-path string, the path to save a test xml. optional

In addition to these, you need to set the podcast metadata. This is the information that will be displayed in your iTunes listing, for example. All of these keys are part of the top level "metadata" object.

key value required
title string, your feed title. required
description string, your podcast description. required
language string, a language code. required
atom string, the complete feed url. required
copyright string, copyright form. optional
link string, the link to your website. optional
image object, see below. optional
image/url string, link to your image. required
image/title string, image alt code. required
image/link string, the link to you website. required

There are a number of "iTunes" tags, see the official reference.

key value required
itunes object, see below: required
itunes/categories array of category tuples, see example and iTunes list. required
itunes/explicit enum, {"clean" "yes" "no" "true" "false"}. required
itunes/image string, url to your cover art. required
itunes/author string, the attributed podcast author. optional
itunes/type enum, {"episodic" "serial"}. optional
itunes/subtitle string, short description. optional
itunes/summary string, short description. optional
itunes/block enum, hides the feed if set, {"yes"}. optional
itunes/complete enum, marks the feed as complete, {"yes"}. optional
itunes/owner object, see below: optional
owner/name string, name of the owner. optional
owner/email string, email of the owner. optional


The easiest way to deploy merge-podcast-feeds is using Docke and the provided Dockerfile.

You can also build an uberjar manually with:

clj -Sdeps '{:mvn/local-repo "./.m2/repository"}' -T:build uber


You can hack away code by opening an nrepl Unix socked using:

clj -M:dev


Copyright © 2023 Love Lagerkvist

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.