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@mvpatel2000 mvpatel2000 released this 03 Apr 21:14

Bug Fixes

1. Enable torch 2.2.2 (#3161)

Composer currently monkeypatches PyTorch for nightly versions in order to fix upstream bugs. With the release of torch 2.2.2, these monkeypatches were mistakenly applied to the stable release due to incorrect gating on imports. This release fixes the gating, enabling torch 2.2.2.

2. MPS Metric Computation on CPU (#3105)

Due to bugs in computing torchmetrics on Mac devices, we move metric computation onto CPU. This previously had issues with data not properly moving to CPU.

Thank you to @hyenal for this contribution!

3. Batch Sampler Support (#3105)

Composer now supports batch sampler, which previously resulted in an error if specified in the dataloader.

Thank you to @Ghelfi for this contribution!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.21.1...v0.21.2