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by Morgan Aldridge



tiggit provides simple, automatic mirroring of remote git repositories for backup purposes. Not to be confused with gittig.


Installation is performed as follows:

sudo make install

Note: Installation currently only supports creating the _tiggit daemon user on macOS (née OS X), but I'm happy to add support for additional operating systems.

If you intend to mirror private repositories, you will have to ensure that SSH keys are configured correctly. If you will be mirroring private repositories with tiggit running as a daemon, then the SSH keys will need to be configured for the the _tiggit user (in macOS, keys should exist in /Library/WebServer/.ssh). See [GitHub SSH Host Keys] for further details.


tiggit can be run manually, or automatically as a daemon. For further usage instructions, run tiggit -h or read the tiggit(1) manpage.


tiggit list will list all mirrored repositories.

tiggit mirror <uri> will mirror the git repository from the specified URI.

tiggit update <repo> will update the git repository specified by just the repository name.


In daemon mode, tiggit will read the list of repositories it should mirror and keep updated from /etc/tiggit.conf (see CONFIGURATION for further details). After the initial mirroring of any repositories it's not already mirroring, it will fetch updates every 15 minutes.

One can manually run it as a daemon as follows:

tiggit --verbose --daemon >> /var/log/tiggit.log &


tiggit -vd >> /var/log/tiggit.log &

Alternatively, on macOS, tiggit will be automatically run via launchd. You can start the launchd job as follows (or it'll start automatically upon boot):

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.makkintosshu.tiggit.plist

Or, stop it:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.makkintosshu.tiggit.plist


SSH host keys are required to mirror repositories via git/SSH URIs, esp. private repositories. There are special considerations when running tiggit as a daemon.


If you will be working with tiggit manually using your own GitHub account, see Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account.


If you'll be running tiggit as a daemon, the following instructions are suggested to create a "machine user" GitHub account, with its own SSH keys:

  1. If you haven't already, create a machine user account on GitHub.

  2. Configure and/or copy the SSH key for your _tiggit daemon user:

a. Run sudo -u _tiggit ls -al ~_tiggit/.ssh/ to list the _tiggit user's SSH keys.

b. If an public key file already exists, skip to Step 2.g.

c. Run sudo -u _tiggit ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" (replacing with the email address for your GitHub machine user account).

d. When prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press enter to save it in the default location (in macOS, this should be /Library/GitMirrors/.ssh/).

e. When prompted to enter a passphrase, press return twice to save without a passphrase (a passphrase will prevent the daemon from being able to use the SSH key).

f. Run sudo -u _tiggit ssh-keyscan -H >> ~_tiggit/.ssh/known_hosts to add GitHub to the _tiggit user's list of authorized hosts.

g. Run sudo -u _tiggit cat ~_tiggit/.ssh/ to display the _tiggit user's public key.

h. Copy the output from the previous command (it should begin with "ssh-rsa" and end with the email address you entered in Step 2.c.)

  1. Add the _tiggit daemon user's SSH public key to the GitHub machine user's account:

a. Log into GitHub using your machine user account.

b. Navigate to the GitHub SSH and GPG keys settings.

c. Click the New SSH key button.

d. Enter _tiggit@<hostname> in the Title field (replacing <hostname> with the hostname or IP address of the computer running tiggit as a daemon).

e. Paste the _tiggit user's SSH public key into the Key field (as copied in Step 2.h. above).

f. Click the "Add SSH key" button

  1. Give your GitHub machine user account access to the repositories you want to mirror (as either a collaborator, an outside collaborator, or a team member).


When run in daemon mode, tiggit will read repos to mirror & update from /etc/tiggit.conf. The configuration file format supports comments, groups, and repository URLs. See the tiggit-conf(5) manpage for further details.


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