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Releases: mooch443/trex


04 Aug 00:07
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Every operating system now has the same installation command again!

# for Windows, Linux and macOS
conda create -n track -c trexing trex
  • removed conda-forge dependency for linux (finally), which makes installation easier
  • add visual_identification_version to allow switching to previous network architectures (loading old weights)
  • add support for physical tags (square rectangles attached to individuals) both for segmentation as well as recognition (see tags_enable in the docs)
  • various GUI and user-experience updates
  • increased processing speed for some platforms in TGrabs by up to 25%
  • .settings.backup now goes into a different folder
  • fixed some export bugs
  • add blob_split_algorithm, which switches between thresholding and a… by @mooch443 in #161
  • update conda-forge removed by @mooch443 in #173


08 Apr 10:45
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This is just a bug fix release (hopefully).

There was a bug in TRex that could lead to frame_segments being broken in exported data.
There was also a potential crash when loading files with -analysis_range [] set.
Categorization scaling was off on some platforms - hopefully now it won't be anymore.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.8_1...v1.1.8_3


17 Mar 10:10
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v1.1.7 had to be retracted and is now replaced with this version, including some important hot-fixes.
These include fixes for tracklet image export, which was broken in some versions before. Loading times have been improved, especially for videos/results with recognition data.

It follows the changelog from v1.1.7:

This release may have the occasional debug print-out glitch (already fixing those), but many other bugs, that may have never manifested before, have been fixed. Especially TGrabs has received significant improvements on Windows (i.e. finally sporting functioning CTRL+C behavior and usign dark-mode if available / Win11), as well as in being more consistent with how many frames are actually saved. Main focus have been code modernizing, efficiency improvements, and bug fixes - with only a few changes regarding the GUI.

This release also updates the compiler used on all systems (in conda), which lead to problems on Linux (highest version available is gcc 9.3). Consequentially, the install command on Linux has changed to:

# Linux
conda create -n tracking -c defaults -c conda-forge -c trexing trex

All other systems still use the shorter version:

# Other OS's
conda create -n tracking -c trexing trex

Minor issues resolved include #92 and probably #88.

Full Changelog: v1.1.6...v1.1.8

What's Changed


12 Jan 22:30
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A quick hotfix for issues with the predictions (hanging due to a deadlock that somehow has not been found until now).


12 Jan 10:00
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This update includes some bug fixes for crashes in relation to GUI, as well as restoring full functionality of other features during conversion (such as image_invert). With 1.1.5, TRex also allows users to install the newest Tensorflow releases for macOS (with updated instructions).

What's Changed

  • Bug fixes by @mooch443 in #73
    • fixing issue with closed loop not initializing due to gui crash by @mooch443 in #75
  • Fixing issues (with image_invert, etc.) by @mooch443 in #76
  • meta.yaml update for newest macos tensorflow by @mooch443 in #77

Full Changelog: v1.1.4...v1.1.5


12 Nov 13:01
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Updates to the Categorization feature, as well as for the macOS 12 SDK.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.3...v1.1.4


15 Jun 07:23
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This update adds a new feature "Categorization", which allows users to classify individuals based on their appearance - independently of their identities. Choose one from a range of animated pictures and assign a category, until the neural network yields satisfactory results!

v1.1.3 also contains a series of bug fixes and improvements.

  • visual and readability improvements
  • other GUI improvements, such as DPI-related display issues
  • changed blob_id hash (see below)
  • fixing compilation issues with new libpng
  • happy mode

One change that might affect analysis of older data is how blob_id is calculated now: Instead of calculating the center of objects and using this coordinate to calculate a hash (the blob_id), the new hash is based on the top-left coordinate + the bottom-right x coordinate + the number of horizontal lines in an object. This is both much faster to calculate (no iterating through all lines) and more distinct (even slight changes in object size will be noticed and objects can theoretically occupy the same space and still be distinct).


26 Mar 09:27
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This release contains many misc bug fixes and improvements, including

  • meta strings for vectors of objects were not produced correctly, leading to gui bugs
  • GCC10 support
  • multiple scaling bugs fixed (including OS-specific ones and regarding DPI)
  • performance improvements in CPULabeling, especially with many objects
  • fix issues that could lead to TGrabs (and sometimes TRex) crashing. Especially on Windows.
  • fixed CSV export on windows sometimes exporting double-line breaks
  • fixed AveragingAccumulator (preview in VideoOpener dialog)
  • fixed a bug that consistently produced outliers when individuals had been lost for at least a frame
  • fixed tensorflow initialization bug

v1.1.1: GUI updates, etc.

12 Mar 22:45
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Aside from fixing a couple of GUI issues, this update should improve the overall feel and functionality of TRex (and TGrabs). I also added the parameter httpd_accepted_ip for versions of TRex compiled with HTTPD support, improving security by only permitting one specific IP address to control the program.

This also (likely) fixes an issue, common on macOS, which made TRex crash before opening TGrabs to convert videos, and adds better documentation throughout.

Updating to tensorflow 2.x, and Support for Apple M1 (arm64)

25 Feb 10:03
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Installation works as usual:

conda create -n tracking -c main -c conda-forge -c trexing trex # linux
conda create -n tracking -c trexing trex                        # other

Network architecture has been changed/layers with the same function replace old ones. This means that loading old network weights might not work.

When using old-layout network weights, simply create a conda environment with an old TRex:

conda create -n tracking -c main -c conda-forge -c trexing trex==1.0.10 # linux
conda create -n tracking -c trexing trex==1.0.10                        # other

I have not tested upgrading an old conda environment to this version, so I recommend creating a new environment.

See #9 (comment) for details.