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Releases: monadgroup/axiom


06 Feb 00:44
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v0.4.3 Pre-release

This patch release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added an adsr function to Maxim (and a corresponding module) that can be used as a simpler alternative to Envelope.
  • #94 Files can now be dragged into the editor to open them.
  • #150 Added sinh, cosh, tanh, exp, exp2, exp10, round and fract functions to Maxim.
  • #151 Use SSE in JITted code, increasing performance drastically. The editor now has a hard requirement on SSE4.1, and will automatically use SSE4.2/AVX/AVX2 if available.
  • #152 The standalone editor can now input and output MIDI from the system. There isn't yet a GUI to set devices, but the --input and --output command-line flags can be used.
  • #140 Fixed an underflow when formatting a note below 0
  • #154 Fixed menu items in a single VST instance also triggering other instances.
  • #155 Fixed opening a new project leaving phantom menu items in the 'View' menu.

You're probably also interested in the v0.4.0 release notes.


01 Nov 15:27
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v0.4.2 Pre-release

This patch release incorporates the following changes:

  • #133 Fixed occasional crashes when opening project files containing multi-layered group nodes
  • #134 Added the example projects to the installation.

You're probably interested in the v0.4.0 release notes.


30 Oct 14:21
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v0.4.1 Pre-release

This hotfix release fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed #131 where opening a project file would create a phantom panel which would crash when closing

You're probably interested in the v0.4.0 release notes.


30 Oct 13:04
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v0.4.0 Pre-release

Axiom 0.4.0 is here, with many improvements and fixes. You can download the standalone and VST editions for Windows, and very soon macOS (I'm just sorting out some issues here and didn't want to delay the release).

Don't forget to check out the Usage Guide!

As always, if you've got any suggestions for features, ideas or contributions for the editor or builtin module library, or you've found a bug, don't hesitate to put them up on the issue tracker or make a pull request.

You can find downloads for the Axiom installer and a ZIP file which both contain the standalone and VST2 editions. These are packed with UPX; if your virus scanner flags them, feel free to download the unpacked ZIP which is bigger but not packed with UPX.


  • #5 Graph editor control
  • #12 Add menu to show/hide the main panels (root surface, module library, history panel), hide history panel by default
  • #34 Proper open/save behaviour in both standalone and VST backends
  • #45 and #64 Allow setting range and step for number controls
  • #65 Custom node extraction function
  • #42 Add global module library instead of library being per-project
  • #81 Single modules can be exported as a library file
  • #86 MIDI notes can be previewed by pressing keys in the editor window
  • #29, #96 and #97 Add syntax highlighter to custom nodes, also showing where errors are
  • #61 Various new useful modules are now provided, including a compressor, EQ, clipper, reverb, and delay


  • #40 Improved UI colour contrast
  • #11 The node name is now shown when exposing a control with no name
  • #55 Wires that are passing through the same cell are separated
  • #62 Square wave now has a pulse-width parameter
  • #79 Extracted nodes that are not active are greyed out
  • #80 Number controls default to plugs if they're an output
  • #83 Portal controls show a backend-based label to differentiate them
  • #82 Plug controls show an icon indicating their value type
  • #89 Improve available biquad filters and add some missing ones
  • #107 Exposing a control keeps the original control's value instead of resetting it to 0
  • #93 Number control range, step, and mode are now linked across exposed controls, instead of being individual
  • #116 Node surface is focused after dragging and dropping onto it
  • #115 Module library is more efficient by caching thumbnails instead of always rendering them
  • #22 Module library is now sorted alphabetically
  • #118 A new docking system is now used, which should be less buggy and broken
  • #126 The name of the selected node is used as the default name when making a new module
  • #127 Only the numeric portion of the text is selected when editing a number control's value
  • #129 Shift can be pressed while dragging a number control value to change the stereo spread


  • #15 Fixed exposed controls being in an invalid state when copying nodes from inside a group
  • #50 Fixed portal bindings not being deterministic
  • #59 Fixed math-assignment operators in Maxim code
  • #56 Fixed VST2 automation support
  • #52 Fixed step sequencer function and module
  • #71 Fixed Maxim logical operators returning -1 instead of 1 when true
  • #70 Fixed delay function behavior when changing buffer size
  • #75 Fixed "keep both" in merge window not doing anything
  • #74 Fixed SV filter outputting NaN
  • #92 Fixed crash when dividing by an empty tuple
  • #88 Fixed various crashes due to some shenanigans in the internal sequence code
  • #99 Fixed various crashes due to the compiler not being updated properly by the editor
  • #108 Fixed crash when opening a project with compile errors in nodes
  • #109 Fixed crash when connecting an input portal to an output portal
  • #114 Fixed VST plugin crashing when being destroyed
  • #43 Fixed scrollbars not responding to clicks at the ends
  • #117 Fixed module title being "Root" when open in a tab
  • #122 Fixed zoom not being accounted for when moving or resizing things on a node surface
  • #123 Fixed executables not having a logo or metadata when they should
  • #124 Fixed nodes in a new module being selected by default
  • #128 Fixed controls being able to be connected to themselves

And many more small improvements


12 Aug 06:37
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v0.3.2 Pre-release

Axiom 0.3.2 provides various bug fixes and minor improvements from 0.3.1:

  • Fixed #44, removed "Active" and "Set Active" modules corresponding to functions removed in 0.3.0
  • Fixed #46, extracted controls connected to a control on the parent surface crashing when un-extracted
  • Fixed #51, crash when putting group nodes inside other group nodes
  • Renaming a control in code will now rename the corresponding control, instead of removing/recreating it, as per #48
  • Oscillator, amplitude, and Q values now have corresponding units, as per #49

Note that this version introduces a minor savefile incompatibility: projects saved in 0.3.2 cannot be opened in 0.3.1 and earlier.


22 Jul 07:21
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v0.3.1 Pre-release

Axiom 0.3.1 provides various bug fixes and minor improvements from 0.3.0:

  • Fixed #38, channel function not handling events correctly
  • Fixed #39, editing extracted nodes causing crash
  • Fixed #21, empty tags not being removed from library
  • Fixed crash when editing nodes in a module surface
  • Escape now exits the floating value editor, as per #17
  • Control names are shown when hovering over a control currently displaying it's value, as per #28
  • Search box is now cleared when changing tab in the module browser
  • "Linear Pan" has been renamed to "Pan"


21 Jul 12:59
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v0.3.0 Pre-release

Axiom 0.3.0 is the first public release of the software. For now we only have Win32 builds of the standalone and VST2 backends, in the near future a CI will be setup to provide builds for other platforms.

Check out the Readme and Example projects.