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Raw data files and conversion scripts for CLDF output for Jambu data.

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This is a CLDF database for the Jambu application, containing historical linguistic data for many languages of South Asia. It also contains the underlying raw data and scripts used to produce/update the CLDF database.

How it works

Before doing things, install dependencies in a fresh environment with pip install -r requirements.txt (with Python 3.9.12).

To recreate the CLDF database from raw data, just run make parse in root. To verify the output is valid CLDF, run python -m pytest in root folder.

CLDF structure

The final CLDF database is in cldf/. It includes the following:

  • forms.csv: Lemmata.
  • languages.csv: List of languages, metadata (coordinates, Glottolog ID) for each.
  • parameters.csv: Entries, including headwords and etymological notes.
  • sources.bib: References in BibTeX format.

The structure is more formally defined in cldf/Wordlist-metadata.json.

Raw data

Raw data is organised under data/. The script builds the CLDF database in cldf/ from the raw data. Raw data is all stored in CSV in order to be easy to edit and parse.

For raw data files that list lemmata, the columns are:

  1. Language ID
  2. Param ID (entry)
  3. Lemma (normalised)
  4. Gloss
  5. Native script form
  6. Phonemic form (in IPA)
  7. Notes/comments
  8. References

For raw data files that list parameters (entries), the columns are:

  1. Param ID
  2. Language of the headword (e.g. "Indo-Aryan", "Proto-Dravidian")
  3. Form
  4. Gloss
  5. References

Etymological notes for all params (as written up/collated by us) are stored in data/etymologies.csv. The columns are just the Param ID and Markdown-formatted notes.

Finally, some sources have unusual orthographies that we need to convert to the Sāmapriya-n system. The profiles used by the segments library to do so are stored as conversions/*.txt; these give substitution rules for orthographic normalisation.


The DEDR and related parsing scripts are all in data/dedr/. Originally, Suresh supplied a SQL database scraped from the online version (data/dedr/dedr_new_entry_oct2013_edited.sql) which was converted into a CSV at (data/dedr/dedr.csv). These are now deprecated.

The current CSV format of the DEDR is generated using data/dedr/, which scrapes the website and caches it in data/dedr/dedr.pickle, and then divides the entry into language spans (e.g. Tam. word 'meaning', word2 'meaning2'... is one span) and parses each span into forms and associated references and glosses using complicated regexes. The output is at data/dedr/dedr_new.csv.

The helper file data/dedr/ includes information about what each language tag and reference abbreviation corresponds to in the CLDF (e.g. Mal. = Malayalam).

Headwords for entries are to be stored in data/dedr/params.csv. Finally, Proto-Dravidian reconstructions are housed in data/dedr/pdr.csv.


The CDIAL directory is data/cdial/ and is basically identically structured to the DEDR directory. Cache at data/cdial/cdial.pickle, parse script is data/cdial/, helper info in data/cdial/, and params are at data/cdial/params.csv.


Under development at data/dbia/.


  • data/munda/forms.csv
  • data/munda/params.csv


  • data/others/forms/*.csv: New lemmata extracted from various sources.
  • data/others/params/*.csv: New entries.