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a eCommerce web API

##Database design


Relationships between Models

The provided diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram representing the relationships between various entities in a sample e-commerce application. Let's describe the relationships:

  1. Inheritance Relationships:

    • UserBase inherits from BaseEntity: UserBase class inherits the properties of BaseEntity class, which includes properties like IsDeleted, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, UpdatedBy, and UpdatedDate. This allows UserBase, Admin, and Customer to have those common properties.

    • Admin inherits from UserBase: Admin class is a specialization of UserBase and inherits the properties Username, PasswordHash, and Email, along with the common properties from BaseEntity.

    • Customer inherits from UserBase: Customer class is another specialization of UserBase and inherits the properties Username, PasswordHash, and Email, along with the common properties from BaseEntity.

  2. Association Relationships:

    • Customer "1" -- "N" Review: A Customer can have multiple Reviews (one-to-many relationship), while a Review is associated with only one Customer.

    • Product "1" -- "N" Review: A Product can have multiple Reviews (one-to-many relationship), while a Review is associated with only one Product.

    • Product "1" -- "N" Stock: A Product can have multiple Stock entries (one-to-many relationship), while a Stock entry is associated with only one Product.

    • Product "N" -- "1" Category: A Product belongs to one Category, while a Category can have multiple Products (many-to-one relationship).

    • CartItem "1" -- "1" Product: A CartItem is associated with one Product, and a Product can be associated with only one CartItem (one-to-one relationship).

    • CartItem "1" -- "1" Customer: A CartItem is associated with one Customer, and a Customer can have only one CartItem (one-to-one relationship).

    • Order "1" -- "1" Customer: An Order is associated with one Customer, and a Customer can have only one Order (one-to-one relationship).

    • Order "1" -- "N" CartItem: An Order can have multiple CartItems (one-to-many relationship), while a CartItem is associated with only one Order.

    • Order "1" -- "N" Payment: An Order can have multiple Payments (one-to-many relationship), while a Payment is associated with only one Order.

    • Wishlist "1" -- "N" Product: A Wishlist can have multiple Products (one-to-many relationship), while a Product is associated with only one Wishlist.

    • Wishlist "N" -- "1" Customer: A Wishlist belongs to one Customer, while a Customer can have multiple Wishlists (many-to-one relationship).

These relationships help to define how various entities in the application are connected and how they interact with each other.


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