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Repository files navigation

CF Lab 12: REST and APIs

Code of Conduct

Now that we understand how applications can handle different URLs, we can write code that communicates with other applications. Let each partner try out their own user info to get the chance to see their repos with their token. For today, please create a githubToken.js file in the root of your app. Open this file, create a variable, and store your access token. Add the new file to your .gitignore in the terminal by running echo githubToken.js >> .gitignore

TODOs - User Stories: MVP

  1. As a developer, I want to treat my GitHub repositories as a resource (with full MVC components), so that I can manage them within my blog.
  • You already have an aboutController.js,
  • so we need to add a repo.js model file,
  • and a repoView.js presentation layer.
  • GitHub API credentials should be stored in a local file (githubToken.js), but not committed to GitHub. Use .gitignore to prevent the file from being tracked (get help in lab if you don't know how to use .gitignore).
  • As the site owner, I want to highlight certain repos on my /about page so that everyone can see the great projects I am working on.
  • Retrieve and manipulate repo info in your model file.
  • You can choose exactly what API end point to use.
  • Craft an API query to return repos that you want to highlight.
  • Build out a Handlebars template in your view file to display these repos.

Stretch goals

  1. As the site owner, I want my lists of GitHub activity well designed, so visitors like looking at my page.
  • Start with a wireframe sketch of how you'd like the page to looking
  • Apply styles, as you've learned: icons, typography, colors, etc.
  1. As the site owner, I also want to show off other recent GitHub activity, so that everyone knows how active I am on GitHub.
  • Get creative with the data available to you via the GitHub API!
  • Want to create links to your gists?
  • Maybe highlight your GitHub followers, or whom you follow?

Technical Requirements and Grading Rubric

  • Ensure your code passes ESLint.
  • Place all code within the proper layer of MVC abstraction and encapsulation.
  • Use an authenticated ajax call to GitHub's API to get your repos.
  • DO NOT publish your GitHub Token to any public repo.


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