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Motion Extraction in Video


This Python project is inspired by the video tutorial by Posy, available at this link, which demonstrates video feature extraction techniques. The project utilizes OpenCV for video processing and Numpy for array operations. It enables users to extract motion from a video, following concepts presented in Posy's tutorial. The script calculates frame differences and generates an output video, highlighting areas with motion.


  • Motion Extraction: The script calculates the difference between each frame and its delayed version, emphasizing areas with motion.
  • Customizable Delay: Users can adjust the delay parameter to control the sensitivity of motion detection.
  • Output Video: The result is saved as a new video file, allowing for easy visualization of the detected motion.


  • OpenCV (cv2)
  • Numpy (numpy)
  • tqdm (tqdm)

Example Comparison

Here is a side-by-side comparison of a frame from the input video and the corresponding frame from the output video:

Input Frame Output Frame
Input Frame Output Frame

How to Use

  1. Installation: Ensure you have the required dependencies installed. You can install them using:

    pip install opencv-python numpy tqdm
  2. Input Video: Set the input_video_path variable to the path of your input video file.

    input_video_path = "path/to/your/input/video.mp4"
  3. Output Video: Set the output_video_path variable to your desired output video file path.

    output_video_path = "path/to/your/output/video.mp4"
  4. Adjust Delay: Set the delay_seconds variable to control the delay between frames for motion extraction.

    delay_seconds = 1  # Adjust this based on your preference
  5. Run the Script: Execute the script, and the output video will be generated.



  • Ensure the input video file exists and is accessible.
  • The output video will be saved in MP4 format. You can change the codec in the fourcc variable if needed.
  • Experiment with different delay values to achieve the desired level of motion extraction.

Feel free to modify the script to suit your specific requirements or integrate it into your projects. Posy's video tutorial serves as inspiration for this project, offering insights into video feature extraction techniques. For more advanced features, consider exploring additional image processing techniques or using external libraries.