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Production Release of the v2.2 Mochimo Network

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@mochimodev mochimodev released this 28 Nov 16:28
· 614 commits to master since this release

This is the production release of version v2.2 of the Mochimo Cryptocurrency Engine. This release incorporates a number of new features and functions, including support for diverse Nvidia GPUs in MGPU setup, significant improvements to Haiku generation, support for headless miners and mining pools, and various security and efficiency tweaks.


Added support for diverse nVidia GPU Models
CUDA Code optimizations for average HP/s +10-20%
Improved sanity checking in get_eon (prep for ring signatures)
Added OPCODE 15 & 16 (pull candidate / push solved blocks)
Added support for Headless Miners and Mining Pools
Adjusted wait time up to 300 seconds from 180 if no quorum found.
Fixed random seed issue in rand.c
Added node capability bits to identify server capabilities during handshake
Added new execute and dispatch functions for handling headless miner requests
Added new reaping function for terminating stale child processes related to headless miners
Various community requested patches

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