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In this repository, I will learn how to build a Trello-like project management application using Elixir, Phoenix framework and React. I follow the tutorial Trello tribute with Phoenix and React by Ricardo García Vega.

Get started

Install dependencies

  • mix deps.get

Create and migrate your database

  • mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate

Install brunch etc

  • npm install

Start Phoenix endpoint

  • mix phoenix.server

Then visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Resources about Phoenix framework

Phoenix vs Rails

Phoenix Rails
mix <app_name> rails new <app_name>
mix deps.get, npm install bundle install
mix phoenix.gen.html User users name username:string rails g scaffold User name username:string
mix phoenix.gen.json User users name username:string
mix phoenix.gen.model User users name username:string rails g model User name username:string
mix ecto.create rails db:create
mix ecto.migrate rails db:migrate
mix ecto.drop rails db:drop
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs rails db:seed
mix phoenix.routes rails routes
mix.exs, package.json Rakefile
mix phoenix.server rails server
iex -S mix rails console
mix test rails test

Some libraries I used

HTTP server

Authentication framework

Password hashing

JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)

And much much more

Some techniques I learned


Re-installing NPM

When things act strange after modifying asset configurations, just reinstalling may fix it.

rm -rf node_modules && npm install