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An app for organizing music

Netlify Status


You need a .env.local file with the Spotify client secret in it. Netlify automatically makes this available at build time on process.env.

To run locally:

  1. Make sure your Node version matches what's in .node-version... no promises otherwise
  2. Install packages: npm ci
  3. Run the dev server: npm start

Netlify's CLI will serve the edge functions in /api in development mode.

Thoughts on the approach

CSS structure

In Interlude I am trying out a styling approach with two main principles:

  1. "Inherent" visual properties of a component are styled in a separate CSS module file.
  2. Positioning is handled in component markup via CSS-in-JS (so far, with raw style attributes).

My thought is this combines the best parts of two reasonable patterns. CSS Modules give us clean separation of concerns and semantic classnames, whereas CSS-in-JS gives us styling information directly alongside the the component structure.

However, I think that a component's positioning is the part that really benefits from the context of the HTML structure, so my thought is maybe it's natural to have margin and padding in the component markup. Then heavy presentational CSS lives outside the component code, keeping our components light, and we have plain old classes as the way to re-use styling.

In the past, I've disliked when all styling information for a given element is not present in one spot, so I'm curious to see if this approach causes problems or feels nice.

UI component library

Interlude's UI elements are built on top of Material UI's Base UI library.

This isn't necessarily the direction I would go on a professional project with a bigger team. But one of my goals here is to spend more time with UI details than I probably would in a B2B SaaS (dayjob) setting. Base UI gives me a good platform to get my hands dirty without the overhead of implementing things like an autocomplete or modal from scratch. Plus it has good a11y support built in from the start.

I'm styling the components via Material's built-in CSS classes. I don't mind Material's JS-based styling patterns but I want to try and be as lightweight on the third-party tooling as possible and Emotion does bring a bit of baggage along with it. I'll be interested to see how much I miss theme-aware styling with the sx prop.