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A LaTeX Beamer template for presentations using the Metropolis theme.

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Presentation Template CircleCI

A LaTeX Beamer template for presentations using the Metropolis theme.



If you want to build the container, after cloning this repository:

docker build -t presentation-template .

To generate your pdf, you should bind the directory with main.tex to /data in the container, and provide a prefix for your output. That looks like this, and

docker run -it -v $PWD:/data presentation-template mypdf

After this, the files will be in your present working directory.

$ ls my*
mypdf.aux  mypdf.bbl  mypdf.blg  mypdf.fdb_latexmk  mypdf.fls  mypdf.log  mypdf.nav  mypdf.out  mypdf.pdf  mypdf.snm  mypdf.toc

If you don't want to build the container (it takes quite some time) this development container is provided at mmore500/presentation-template. You can run it as follows:

git clone
cd presentation-template
docker run -it -v $PWD:/data mmore500/presentation-template mypdf

An example output is provided. Have fun!


First, build the container.

sudo singularity build presentation-template.simg Singularity

Next, run it and bind the present working directory to data.

singularity run --bind $PWD:/data presentation-template.simg mypdf


You should build the container with the version provided as a --build-arg as follows. For example, to build the version 1.0.1-rc:

$ docker build -t mmore500/presentation-template:1.0.1-rc --build-arg Version=1.0.1-rc .
$ docker push mmore500/presentation-template:1.0.1-rc

How To & What You Get

The original post for the package is here.


Matthew Andres Moreno


  • @vsoch contributed Dockerfile and build / run instructions, continuous integration