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Repository for the CLEVR-Hans3 and CLEVR-Hans7 data set introduced in Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations by Wolfgang Stammer, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, to be published at CVPR 2021.

General description

Using the available framework of CLEVR: A Diagnostic Dataset for Compositional Language and Elementary Visual Reasoning [1], we have created a confounded data set, which we refer to as the CLEVR-Hans data set. This data set consists of CLEVR images divided into several classes. The membership of a class is based on combinations of objects’ attributes and relations. Additionally, certain classes within the data set are confounded. Thus, within the data set, consisting of train, validation, and test splits, all train, and validation images of confounded classes will be confounded with a specific attribute or combination of attributes.

Each class is represented by 3000 training images, 750 validation images, and 750 test images. The training, validation, and test set splits contain 9000, 2250, and 2250 samples, respectively, for CLEVR-Hans3 and 21000, 5250, and 5250 samples for CLEVR-Hans7. The class distribution is balanced for all data splits.

For CLEVR-Hans classes for which class rules contain more than three objects, the number of objects to be placed per scene was randomly chosen between the minimal required number of objects for that class and ten, rather than between three and ten, as in the original CLEVR data set.

Finally, the images were created such that the exact combinations of the class rules did not occur in images of other classes. It is possible that a subset of objects from one class rule occur in an image of another class. However, it is not possible that more than one complete class rule is contained in an image.


CLEVR-Hans3 (~ 2.4 GB):


CLEVR-Hans7 (~ 5.5 GB):



CLEVR-Hans3 overview

CLEVR-Hans3 contains three classes, of which two are confounded. Fig. 4 shows a schematic representation of this data set. Images of the first class contain a large cube and large cylinder. The large cube has the color gray in every image of the train and validation set. Within the test set, the color of the large cube is shuffled randomly. Images of the second class contain a small sphere and small metal cube. The small sphere is made of metal in all training and validation set images, however, can be made of either rubber or metal in the test set. Images of the third class contain a large blue sphere and a small yellow sphere in all images of the data set. This class is not confounded.


CLEVR-Hans7 overview

The first, second, and seventh class rules of CLEVR-Hans7 correspond to classes one, two, and three of CLEVR-Hans3. Images of the third class of CLEVR-Hans7 contain a small cyan object in front of two red objects. The cyanobject is a small cube in all images of the training and validation set, yet it can be any shape and size within the test set. Images of the fourth class contain at least five small objects. One of these must be green, one brown, and one purple. There are no constraints on the remaining small objects. This class is not confounded. Images of class five consist of two rules. There are three spheres present in the left half of the image (class rule 5a), or there are three spheres present in the left half of the image and three metal cylinders in the right half of the image (class rule 5b). Within all data splits, including the test split, class rule5a occurs 90 % of the time and class rule 5b 10% of the time. The class rule of the sixth class is contained in class rule 5b, namely three metal cylinders in the right half of the image. This is the same for all splits.

Instructions for generating CLEVR-Hans

The file clevr-hans-dataset-gen/image_generation/run_scripts/ contains the bash script to generate CLEVR-Hans3 images as specified by the in-script parameters.

Important: the class rules are in two separate .json files for the non-confounded test set and confounded validation and train set.

clevr-hans-dataset-gen/image_generation/data/Clevr_Hans_ConfClasses_3.json and


show examples of how to specify these for CLEVR-Hans3

(clevr-hans-dataset-gen/image_generation/data/Clevr_Hans_ConfClasses_7.json and


for the more complicated rules of CLEVR-Hans7).

In order to generate your own dataset, please create your own .json files based on the mentioned examples and specify the locations of the .json files at the correct parameter name in


We suggest renaming the files from conf_3 to your own specification needs.

Then perform the following steps:

  1. cd clevr-hans-dataset-gen/docker/
  2. docker build -t clevr_hans -f Dockerfile .
  3. docker run -it -v /localpathto/clevr-hans-dataset-gen:/home/workspace/clevr-hans-dataset-gen --name clevr_hans --entrypoint='/bin/bash' --user $(id -u):$(id -g) clevr_hans
  4. cd ../home/workspace/clevr-hans-dataset-gen/image_generation/
  5. ./run_scripts/

The default output location is clevr-hans-dataset-gen/output/ and is specified in the run shell script.


Due to compatibility issues with the original CLEVR Blender script and nvidia versions we reverted to creating the images on the CPU in parallel processes. This is obviously a sub-optimal hack was the quickest fix. Feel free to optimise.


[1] Johnson, J., Hariharan, B., Van Der Maaten, L., Fei-Fei, L., Lawrence Zitnick, C., & Girshick, R. (2017). Clevr: A diagnostic dataset for compositional language and elementary visual reasoning. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 2901-2910).


If you find this dataset useful in your research, please consider citing:

@article{stammer2020right, title={Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations}, author={Stammer, Wolfgang and Schramowski, Patrick and Kersting, Kristian}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.12854}, year={2020} }


Repository for the CLEVR-Hans dataset







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