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crepe is a tool that helps you extract the data from tons-of-layers HTML in an easier way.

This uses a brilliant project called goquery to extract the data.


By specifying some selectors in struct tags, crepe helps you unmarshal the data from HTML.

	html := `
		<div id="header">
			<tr data-id="aaaa" role="engineer">
			<tr data-id="bbbb" role="manager">
	var data struct {
		Title     string `crepe:"div#header>h1,text"`
		Employees []*struct {
			Id     string `crepe:"attr=data-id"`
			Name   string `crepe:"td,:eq(0),text"`
			Gender string `crepe:"td,:eq(1),text"`
			Age    int    `crepe:"td,:eq(2),text"`
			Role   string `crepe:"attr=role"`
		} `crepe:"table,:last,tbody>tr"`
	if err := Unmarshal([]byte(html), &data); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
	fmt.Printf("result: %v\n", data)