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To build these modules, current kernel build directory is needed - that is, if you didn't build the kernel you are running, you won't be able to use them.

  1. Create file Makefile.local with contents:

  2. Apply patches from patches directory.

     cd /path/to/your/current/kernel/source
     git am /path/to/patch/file/0001-add-notifier-chain-for-oom_adj.patch
     git am /path/to/patch/file/0002-export-additional-symbols-to-modules.patch
  3. Try building:

    • make monitor builds app monitor
    • make dynamic builds dynamic cpufreq governor
    • make without parameters builds both above targets

    If you get errors about missing symbols, try exporting them like it's done in patch 0002

  4. Try installing:

    • make monitor_install
    • make dynamic_install
    • make install - installs both

This step can fail as your fs layout may be different, something might be missing, or adb isn't running as root. If it does - look into the Makefile and redo steps manually.



Don't use cat to read those /proc files, as something breaks when you hit ^C on that cat. Use dd if=/proc/app_monitor. If you use cat anyway, if you the reload the module, the file you cat'ed will be unusabe - only reboot helps. Will try to fix it asap.

The app_monitor module creates two /proc files - app_monitor and app_monitor_raw. The first one is more human readable, the second one is for gathering data for later processing. As for now, opening both of them simultaneously, or any of them more than once does wierd things, so don't do it - it's more for debugging and convinience. Will fix it asap...

Along with the app_monitor there is an init.d script which gathers performance data from app_monitor_raw into /data/local/log/app_monitor. Helper scripts to download those data and generate nice graphs are in data directory.

Output format

Asterisk in parentheses marks which event caused a wakeup (internal):

  • a timeout (every delay_ms miliseconds)
  • suspend or resume (screen off/on)
  • cpu frequency transition
  • user input (either touchscreen or physical buttons)
  • foreground app changed

The raw file output is almost identical to non-raw with one extra field marked below.

  1. timestamp with usec precision
  2. measurement period duration in jiffies
  3. suspend state (0 == screen on)
  4. cpu freq in MHz
  5. usec that passed since last user input (delta) - in raw file next field is absolute user input time, and uid is no. 7.
  6. foreground app uid
  7. number of jiffies fg app used cpu in user time
  8. number of jiffies fg app used cpu in kernel time
  9. total cpu time used by foreground app [usec]
  10. total time all cpus were active [usec]
  11. total time all cpus were active+idle [usec]
  12. highest of cpu loads [usec]

After that there are active and idle times for every cpu.


Project aimed to improve cpu frequency management in Android







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