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Robotics: Science and Systems (MIT Course)

Labs and other materials for 6.141/16.405J

Popular repositories

  1. intro_to_ros intro_to_ros Public

    Getting started with the Robot Operating System

    23 11

  2. wall_follower_sim wall_follower_sim Public

    Drive forwards while maintaining a constant distance to a wall on either the left or right on a simulated racecar.

    Python 15 27

  3. visual_servoing visual_servoing Public

    Python 14 52

  4. wall_follower wall_follower Public

    Drive forwards while maintaining a constant distance to a wall on either the left or right.

    Shell 8 10

  5. localization localization Public

    Localize the car in a static map with a particle filter.

    Python 8 63

  6. intro_to_git intro_to_git Public

    Using GitHub for version control

    Shell 7 8


Showing 10 of 35 repositories