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🍸Five beautiful dark themes for comfortable work in Windows Terminal, PowerShell and CMD


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Mojito Theme for Windows Terminal, PowerShell and CMD

🍸 Five beautiful dark themes for comfortable work

Getting started

You can download and install the Windows Terminal

Recommended download and install the Oh My Posh

⚙️ Installation

1. Windows Terminal

Start Windows Terminal and click on the down arrow symbol ˅ from menu bar. This will open a drop down menu from which select Settings option. Alternatively use Ctrl + , to open Settings directly.

In the settings.json settings file for Windows Terminal, find the schemes section and paste the content of:


"schemes": [
  // Paste the content


Once the color scheme has been defined, it's time to enable it. Find the profiles section and add a colorScheme value to the default profile.


"profiles": {
    "defaults": {
        // "colorScheme": "Mojito Dark Green"
        // "colorScheme": "Mojito Blue Grey"
        // "colorScheme": "Mojito Dark Grey"
        // "colorScheme": "Mojito Deep Purple"
        "colorScheme": "Mojito Dark Teal"

2. Windows PowerShell and CMD

  1. PSReadLine 2.0 or later. It's installed by default in Windows 10, but you'll most likely need to upgrade it. You can verify your PSReadLine version by running (Get-Module PSReadLine).Version.Major

  2. Go to microsoft/terminal ColorTool. Download the ColorTool release and extract the zip file.

  3. Download color schemes and paste to the unzipped ColorTool/schemes directory:

  4. Open PowerShell, navigate to the ColorTool directory. Select the downloaded color theme and run:

    • Mojito Dark Teal
    ./ColorTool -b ./schemes/mojito-dark-teal.ini
    • Mojito Dark Green
    ./ColorTool -b ./schemes/mojito-dark-green.ini
    • Mojito Blue Grey
    ./ColorTool -b ./schemes/mojito-blue-grey.ini
    • Mojito Dark Grey
    ./ColorTool -b ./schemes/mojito-dark-grey.ini
    • Mojito Deep Purple
    ./ColorTool -b ./schemes/mojito-deep-purple.ini
  5. Include this powershell configuration in your PowerShell $PROFILE file

  6. Right-click on the window titlebar and choose Properties, click OK to save

Installing additional features

  1. Terminal-Icons. A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal:

    • Run the command Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery
    • And then add one line to my $PROFILE > Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons
    • Now if you run the command ls you will see this: PowerShell Icons
  2. PSReadLine provides an improved command-line editing experience in the PowerShell console:

    • Run Install-Module PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Force and add the following line to $PROFILE > Import-Module PSReadLine

    • Enable Predictive IntelliSense:

      Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History
      Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView
      Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Windows
    • After saving $PROFILE and restarting the shell, you will have an ANSI-style list with a prediction of what you want to see next and a history of what you have already used: PowerShell History

    • For easy navigation through the list that we have set above, it is necessary to add the following lines to the $PROFILE

    Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Function HistorySearchBackward
    Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key DownArrow -Function HistorySearchForward
    • Use the up and down arrows to navigate through the sheet

Other versions


MIT License

Don’t worry, be happy😍