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Documentation Mirte Robot

To build the documentation:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd mirte-documentation
python3 -m venv docs-env
source docs-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd _modules/mirte-python
pip install .
cd ../catkin_ws/src/mirte-ros-packages
rm -rfv !("mirte_msgs")
cd ../../
catkin_make # or catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
cd ../../

make html
# OR
sphinx-multiversion . _build/html

Host locally

python3 -m http.server
firefox _build/html/index.html


The documentation must pass the following two checks. Warnings are allowed, errors not.

make html && make linkcheck


Check for spelling with the following command

make spelling

Add correct words to the spelling_wordlist.txt file.