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(M)EAN stack starter with Angular 2+, Angular CLI 1.x, Node, Express, JWT auth and SCSS


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(M)EAN Stack with Angular 2+ Starter

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This is a starting point for (M)EAN stack applications (with Angular 2+, currently 5.2.x). MongoDB drivers are not setup as part of this boilerplate, but can easily be added (with mongoose or some other package). The idea is to have a setup to get you up and running quickly and to be database agnostic. You can easily add a database driver that fits your needs.

This project is similar to mea2n, but is with scss rather than less


You need:

  1. NodeJS v6.9.0+
  2. Angular CLI v1.0.0+ (npm install -g @angular/cli)

Run the app:

  1. Generate certs and place them inside /server/certs. Generate certs by running this in your terminal openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ng2-development.key -out ng2-development.pem -days 365. If the folder certs doesn't exist, create it.

  2. Run npm install

  3. Run npm run build

  4. Start the server with*:

    NODE_ENV="development" SECRET="your.super.secret" CERTPHRASE="your.cert.password" node server.js

    *If you didn't setup a certificate password, you can omit CERTPHRASE.

  5. Navigate to https://localhost:8080


Table of Contents

  1. What it has
  2. Setup
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Prod and Dev
  3. Development Server
    1. Node Server
    2. Lite Server
  4. Code Scaffolding
  5. Documentation
    1. Application Documentation
    2. API Documentation
    3. CSS Documentation/Living Style Guide
  6. Build
  7. Running Unit Tests
  8. Running end-to-end Tests
  9. Linting
  10. Notes
  11. Further help

What it has

  • Angular (v5.2.x) and Angular CLI 1.6.x
  • NodeJS (+ExpressJS)
  • JWT-based authentication (naive, but can be modified and scaled to fit your needs)
  • HTTP/2 (thru spdy)
  • gzip compression of served files/data (thru compression, for more info see Notes below)
  • API Docs (thru swagger-jsdoc and Swagger UI, for more info see API Documentation below)
  • App Docs (thru TypeDoc, for more info see Application Documentation below)
  • CSS Docs/Style Guide (thru kss-node, for more info see CSS Documentation/Living Style Guide below)
  • SCSS as a style preprocessor
  • git pre-commit and pre-push hooks (for more info see Notes below)
  • secured with helmet and express-rate-limit (for more info see Node Server below)
  • additional security checks thru the eslint-plugin-security plugin and the nsp package, which checks your dependencies for known vulnerabilities
  • lazy loading of modules with selective preloading strategy to allow you to preload any module you or your app will need (for more info see Notes below)
  • taking advantage of the new HttpClientModule and HttpInterceptor introduced in Angular 4.3.x (for more info see Notes below)
  • analyze the application bundle with webpack-bundle-analyzer (for more info see Notes below)
  • ChromeHeadless is used for the UTs (for more info see Notes below)



  • NodeJS is required (v >= 6.9.0). It can be downloaded and installed from here.

  • Angular CLI is required (v >= 1.0.0). It can be downloaded and installed by running npm install -g @angular/cli. Note: The -g flag will install it globally and requires admin (sudo) rights for the current user.

  • Nodemon is optional. It is used to automatically restart/reload the server on changes to the backend. It can be downloaded and installed by running npm install -g nodemon. Then, you can just run the server by going to the application folder and typing nodemon server.js. Note: The -g flag will install it globally and requires admin (sudo) rights for the current user.

Prod and Dev

  • if you are using Ubuntu or RedHat, you need to install the build-essentials
  • clone the application (you need git installed to do it)
  • install all dependencies, including the development ones, by running npm install from the application folder

Development server

Node server

To run the application with the node server during local development and build/consume APIs and the app/UI do the following:

  • generate certificates and place them in the certs folder (app-root-folder/server/certs) for local development. Please note that the certificate name should match the application name and the current environment (e.g. app-name-development, app-name-production, etc.). If you don't know how to generate .pem and .key files, you can search the internet or read this post or run this in your terminal openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout app-name-development.key -out app-name-development.pem -days 365 (please use 2048 encryption and above when generating the certs, e.g. rsa:2048). If you setup a password for your certs, you will need to provide it when you start the server with the environmental variable CERTPHRASE

  • if you use the default port configuration, the url will be https://localhost:8080. If you are using a different port (by setting the environmental variable PORT when you start the server), update the URL accordingly. Note that http will work as well, but the connection will be downgraded to http/1.1. However, if the environment is set to production, it will redirect any http calls to https. This can be changed in the server.js file to fit your needs. The non-secure server runs on port 8081 by default and the URL is http://localhost:8081. This can be controlled by setting the environment variable HTTP_PORT.

  • if you want to enable debug mode to see more verbose output in the console, please set APP_DEBUG="true" when you start the server

  • when you start the server, your final startup command should look something like this:

    NODE_ENV="development" CERTPHRASE="myphrase" SECRET="somesecret" APP_DEBUG="true" node server.js

    or if using nodemon

    NODE_ENV="development" CERTPHRASE="myphrase" SECRET="somesecret" nodemon server.js

    You can start the application using the cluster.js file instead of server.js. This will start as many node instances/processes (or a cluster) as the # of CPU cores on your machine/server. You can modify the cluster settings in that file.

    Available environmental variables (feel free to add/modify/remove to fit your needs)

    Env Variable Type Description Default
    PORT integer the port the node server https (secure) will be listening on 8080
    HTTP_PORT integer the port the node http (non-secure) server will be listening on 8081
    NODE_ENV string the server environment development
    CERTPHRASE string the certificate password if there is one undefined
    SECRET string the secret to encode/decode the generated token undefined
    APP_DEBUG string prints verbose output in the console false
    MAX_REQUESTS integer how many requests are allowed per window from a single IP address before it is blocked 300
    WINDOW_MINUTES integer how many minutes should the requests window be 30
    TRUST_PROXY string set to true if the server will be running behind a load balancer or reverse proxy (important for the rate limiter) false
    ALLOW_CORS string set to true if you want to allow Cross Origin requests to the server false
    DBURL string the database url/host undefined
    DBPORT string the database port undefined
    DBUSER string the database username undefined
    DBPASS string the database password associated with the username specified for DBUSER undefined
    DBNAME string the database name that you will be connecting to undefined

Note 1: You need to build the application before trying to open it in a browser. To do so you can run npm run build.

Note 2: The sever has a rate limiter. The default is 300 requests per 30 minutes per user. You can control these settings by setting the environmental variables MAX_REQUESTS (integer - e.g. 100 for 100 requests per window) and/or WINDOW_MINUTES (integer - e.g. 5 for 5 minutes windows) when you start your sever.

Lite server

If you want, you can run the client side separately from node with ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the client side source files. To run the app with a secure connection (https) please use the --ssl flag - ng server --ssl (or simply run npm start) - and change the protocol to https - https://localhost:4200/. It is recommended to run it with the secure flag to be closer to the prod env, which uses the secure protocol.

Note: If you want to listen for client side changes and auto build the client side and still use the node URL, you can use npm run build:watch, but this won't auto refresh the browser.

Code Scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class/module.


Application Documentation

Run npm run docs:app to generate the documentation. Start the server and navigate to http://localhost:port/documentation/app.

The application documentation is generated using TypeDoc.

API Documentation

Run npm run docs:api to generate the documentation. Start the server and navigate to http://localhost:port/documentation/api. Run npm run docs:api:watch to watch and automatically generate the documentation on changes. The swagger definitions can be set in the swagger.def.js file located under the server folder.

The API documentation is generated with swagger-jsdoc and visualized with Swagger UI.

Note: If you are using the lite server to view the documentation, the 'Try it out!' button will return errors (404s). If you want to use the button, it is recommended to view the docs using the node server URL.

CSS Documentation/Living Style Guide

Run npm run docs:css to generate the documentation. Start the server and navigate to http://localhost:port/documentation/css.

The CSS documentation is generated using kss-node.


Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use npm run build:prod for a production build.

Running Unit Tests

Run npm run test:ng to execute the client side unit tests via Karma.

Run npm run test:node to execute server side unit tests via Jasmine.

Use npm test to run all unit tests at once and generate code coverage reports for both.

Running end-to-end Tests

Run npm run e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


Run npm run lint to lint your code. It will scan the CSS (SCSS), the TypeScript (client side) and the JavaScript (server side) files.


  • The project is setup with Angular 5.2.x.
  • The project is setup with TypeScript 2.6.x.
  • There is one example of using reusable animation with Angular's animation() and useAnimation() new methods to do fade in effect on route change (only on the first three routes). Most projects have some sort of animation. However, if you plan on not using Angular animations, please remove @angular/animations from package.json, BrowserAnimationsModule from app.module.ts, NoopAnimationsModule from any unit test that imports it and delete /src/app/shared/animations.
  • There is selective preloading strategy to lazy load modules after the initial app download is complete. Any preloaded lazy module will be available when needed. Right now, it preloads the lazy module for showcase (see src/app/app-routing.module.ts). To have a lazy module preloaded, just add data: { preload: true } to the module definition in the app-routing.module.ts file.
  • The project has a helper service to make http requests easier and more flexible to use. It takes advantage of the new simplified and improved HttpClientModule introduced in Angular 4.3.x (see file app/core/http/core-http.service.ts, the file is prefixed with core to avoid any confusion/name collision with the Angular http library). It also uses the newly (re)introduced HttpInterceptor, which was available in AngularJS 1.x. This project has one interceptor setup to attach the jwt token to the request headers to each api request (see file app/core/interceptors/token.interceptor.ts).
  • The project is pre-configured to work with SCSS, but if you prefer to use LESS or something else, please update the project accordingly to fit your needs.
  • The Node server is configured to gzip each file and api response that it servers to compatible browsers to reduce the file size and save traffic (especially important for mobile devices and slow networks).
  • The Node server has a rate limiter, which uses a simple in-memory store. If you need something more advanced, please use something else like strict-rate-limiter, express-brute, express-limiter.
  • The project has a pre-commit hook to perform certain tasks before the code is committed. The base setup only runs the production build and the e2e tests. Feel free to modify it to fit your needs or remove it completely.
  • The project has a pre-push hook to perform certain tasks before the code is pushed. The base setup only runs the production build and the e2e tests. Feel free to modify it to fit your needs or remove it completely. (The idea is that during merging or rebasing mistakes might happen and end up in the repo, because merging and rebasing skip commit and directly push)
  • The project is setup with @types/jasmine v2.5.46+, which is a bit more strict, because any was replaced with an expected type (Expected<T>). If you are encountering problems, please downgrade to v2.4.45 (more info)
  • The project is setup to generate a stats.json file with the production build (build:prod), which can be read by the webpack-bundle-analyzer and help you analyze the bundle content. It is a useful tool to keep an eye of the application size and decide what can be optimized to reduce the application size (i.e. remove unused angular modules like forms or lazy load a module)
  • The project is setup to use ChromeHeadless to execute the unit tests. You need to have Chrome v60+ installed to be able to use it.
  • There are no CSS libraries (e.g. Boostrap, Material, etc.) to give freedom to add any external styling library based on project needs.
  • There are badges at the top of the file (this file) for a few metrics like vulnerabilities, dependency version status, etc. Please feel free to add/remove any or all of the badges to suit your needs.

Available Scripts

List of available scripts (feel free to add/modify/remove to fit your needs)

Script Description
postinstall runs tasks after npm install is completed
start builds the documentations and starts the lite server
build builds the documentations and the application
build:prod builds the application for production
build:watch watches for changes to the client side and builds the application
test runs all the unit tests (server and client)
test:ng runs the client side unit tests
test:ng:coverage runs the client side unit tests and produces code coverage report
test:node runs the server side unit tests
test:node:coverage runs the server side unit tests and produces code coverage report
e2e runs the end-to-end tests
lint runs all the linting rules (css, javascript, typescript)
lint:css runs the css linting rules
lint:node runs the javascript (server side) linting rules
lint:ts runs the typescript (client side) linting rules
docs creates all the documentation (css, api, app)
docs:app creates the app documentation
docs:api creates the api documentation
docs:api:watch watches for changes to the server side and creates the api documentation
docs:css creates the css documentation
copy:swagger copy the javascript and css files for the api documentation from the swagger ui dist project
security:scan checks the dependencies in packages.json for known vulnerabilities against the nsp database
bundle-report reads the stats.json file (created by the prod build) to analyze the bundle content
pre-git script run by the git hooks

Further Help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

To get more help on the swagger-jsdoc use ./node_modules/swagger-jsdoc/bin/swagger-jsdoc.js -h or go check out the swagger-jsdoc README.

To get more help on the typedoc use ./node_modules/typedoc/bin/typedoc -h or go check out the typedoc README.

To get more help on the kss-node use ./node_modules/.bin/kss -h or go check out the kss-node README.


(M)EAN stack starter with Angular 2+, Angular CLI 1.x, Node, Express, JWT auth and SCSS








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