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Releases: ministryofjustice/hale

Restrict Terms in filters depending on listing page settings

04 Jun 13:31
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If Listing Page is restricted by a taxonomy .. restrict the terms in the filters by the same terms

Document details fields moved to JSON

30 May 13:50
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This is in preperation to move Documents from hardcoded CPT to ACF

Remove Hard Coded Decision CPT

28 May 12:01
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Decisions cpt - can now be defined using acf and using the generic listing page

Hero block fix

23 May 14:58
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This corrects the margins of the overlay when the Hero block is used in Hale's default template.

Dash update & bug fix array on null error

23 May 14:51
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Remove unsued dash meta boxes.
Fix two bugs - Add check on JSON data returned fix array null error and screen null error

New Flexible CPT functionality

22 May 10:37
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  • Removes old flexible CPT functionality using content templates.
  • CPTs and Taxonomies now defined in core ACF
  • Adds summary and 'Document uploads' toggle on acf post type form
  • Adds 'Show in single view' option to acf field - can control which fields show on single view
  • Adds display fields option to listing page - can control which fields show per list item

Tweak to colours (staggered box on GDS themed sites)

15 May 08:55
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Some "GDS" colours were being overwritten by some CSS added elsewhere.

This was affecting the staggered box on Magistrates Recruitment.

This release increases the specificity of the GDS colour CSS to match that of the colour variable declarations. The two should now be in synch.

Groundwork for dark background support in blocks

07 May 10:09
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This is groundwork for changes that will follow in the Quote block, and maybe elsewhere.

It adds classes which can be used to get the text/heading colour for dark backgrounds.

The new classes are not yet used, so this can be merged with no actual changes being realized.

Moved styles from MoJ Blocks to Hale

30 Apr 16:57
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Adds in Hale-specific rules for Highlights List and Call to Action which were previously in the MoJ Blocks repo.
These were editor-specific rules, so new file for MoJ Blocks editor only styles.
These styles are in the MoJ Blocks repo for the frontend, only the backend is Hale-specific (using our hale-editor--template-default class to identify default template in the backend)

This PR also renames the old hale-template class to hale-editor, as the class only appears on the editor screen:

  • hale-template--default becomes hale-editor--template-default
  • hale-template--page-full-width becomes hale-editor--template-page-full-width

These classes were only introduced in PR #314 a fortnight ago.

Added a simple reminder that, if someone changes from full width template to default template (and vice-versa), a refresh is needed.

Deprecated paragraph switch

29 Apr 16:37
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This adds:

  • a deprecated section to the Customizer
  • the switch for deprecated paragraph widths.
  • a class to the front end and backend if deprecated paragraphs is "yes".
  • nothing else - so this does nothing at all in practice, aside from enabling the switch in preparation for the following PR.