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Starting with jValues is easy, just grab jar file from and add it to your project. You need to import all methods from one class to start with jValues:

import static com.perunlabs.common.vars.V.*;

Basic types (primitive wrappers)

Now let's see some examples of creating objects that will represent simple float values (We focus on float at beginning but other types are present as well even compound like vector or quad, more about it later):

FloatC pi = floatC(3.14f);
FloatV radius = floatV(2);

We've just created constant pi (immutable object) value and radius variable (mutable object). Both objects implement FloatG interface which has just one method returning float. This way method can accept FloatG type when they don't care whether they arguments are mutable or not. Methods can also force callers to use const types when immutability is needed (for example in case of concurrent code). Let me just print this interface here to make everything clear.

public interface FloatG {
  public float get();

Seems trivial so far but wait a little bit and we reach some magic soon. For now let's see normal way to perform operation on FloatV variables. We have already created radius and stored 2 in it. We can simply multiply it by 3 this way:


FloatV supports most common operations you would require from floats. Now all of these give us nothing more than normal primitive java values. Let' make use the fact that we are dealing with real objects. The com.perunlabs.common.vars.V class from which we imported all static methods at the beginning comes with set of methods that allow us to create just-in-time calculated values. Let's calculate perimeter of a circle using well known formula p = 2 \pi r,. It should go like this (we are reusing pi and radius objects declared a few lines above):

FloatG perimeter = mul(radius, mul(pi, floatC(2)));
System.out.println(perimeter) // prints 12.56

Now we can change the value of radius


and perimeter value is updated automatically.

System.out.println(perimeter) // prints 62.8

As can be seen values compound this way retain references to the whole calculation and are always up to date. We created object that implements simplest possible interface (FloatG) and keeps (hides) inside complicated calculations. This FloatG interface (and analogical XxxG interfaces for each primitive java type and also compound jValues) is a core of the library - it allows you to have components in your game that can be easily joined together by exchanging information via this interface. For example if you have component that draws progress bar - just make it accept FloatG in its constructor as a source of progress state. Now you can instantiate such progress bar giving it anything that implements FloatG. It can be either 'time to checkpoint' that will countdown during game level, or 'hero health' that will show current status of our hero. This simple interface removes the need of creating Model objects known from other frameworks (e.g. Java Swing). This interface is a model by itself. Note that such design is possible because UI (and whole graphic) in game are usually drawn 60 times per second without checking whether something was changed in UI/game or not. This is due to the fact that games are mostly very dynamic things and most objects to be drawn changes quickly. In standard UIs (like Swing) you want to update (redraw) part of UI only when it actually changes that's why such frameworks are filled with onUpdate(), onRedraw() and other similar methods.

If you worry about performance let me mention that static methods from V class are smart enough to avoid just-in-time calculation when all jValues used as arguments in calculation are const (immutable) and result can be calculated once. Such cases are detected and FloatC value is returned so invoking get() each time does not perform any additional computations. For example multiplying two const values will return const value calculated once during method call:

FloatC rectangleArea = mul(floatC(3), floatC(4));

This call actually invoked overloaded

public static FloatC V.mul(FloatC, FloatC)

function (takes two FloatC) arguments and returns FloatC but even when version with two FloatG is invoked:

public static FloatG V.mul(FloatG, FloatG)

it internally detects that arguments are instances of FloatC, will calculate result once, and return instance of FloatC.

Runnable interface

Another interface that is a core in UI programming is Action interface. You probably seen something similar if you programmed UIs (especially in java Swing). It usually forces you to create lots of anonymous inner classes that just tells some UI component what should be invoked when user triggers some action. With jValues you can simplify most of such code. FloatV method always come in pairs. For example method add(FloatG) has companion method addR(FloatG):

public interface FloatV ... {

  public FloatV add(FloatG addend);

  public Runnable addR(FloatG addend); 


The companion method (one with R suffix in its name) that will invoke its companion add(...) method each time its "run" method is called. If you need a button that increases speed of car in your game each time it is pressed do this:

FloatV speed = floatV(0);
FloatG speedIncrease = floatC(0.5f); 
Button button = new Button(speed.addR(speedIncrease));

Each time button is pressed it will simply run given Runnable which will execute appropriate action. Note that speedIncrease object does not have to be plain value but just-in-time object itself. Let's see how we can extend our game by adding afterburner to our car so once it is enabled speedIncrease will be higher with each button press:

FloatC normalSpeedIncr = floatC(10);
FloatC afterburnerSpeedInc = floatC(30);
BoolV afterburnerOn = boolV(false);
FloatG speedIncrease = iff(afterburnerOn, afterburnerSpeedIncr, normalSpeedIncr);

Note we introduced iff method from V api. As can be guessed it simply returns value from second or third parameter depending on boolean condition value from first parameter. Now turning on afterburner from code is as simple as:


Note that afterBurnerOn is jValue itself so we can manipulate its value from UI. Creating UI button that would allow user switching afterburner on/of requires this code (method not() negates the current value in BoolV object):

new Button(afterburnerOn.notR());

If you want allow user only turning on afterburner (without possibility to turn it off) use this line:

new Button(afterburnerOn.setR(true));

it will set afterBurnerOn to true each time button is pressed.

Building your objects

Just to make sure you got the whole mental shift we covered here let's just show how jValues can be used for building your own objects. As we already described UI framework that does not need primitive values, Action interfaces, anonymous classes and other bloat, now we focus on your own classes and show why you don't need primitive types anymore. Let's design simple class Hero that will represent your game hero fighting opponents in your game:

public class Hero {
  private static final FloatC INITIAL_HEALTH = floatC(100); 
  private FloatV health = floatV(INITIAL_HEALTH);
  // isGt method means "is Greater Than" 
  private BoolG isAlive = isGt(health, 0);

  public FloatG health() {
    return health; 

  public BoolG isAlive() {
    return isAlive;

  public void takeDamage(FloatG damage) {

  public void eatMedicine() {

Note that: There is not a single old-school getter/setter method in this code. Methods takes/returns jValues objects. We have health() and isAlive() methods that returns XxxG interfaces that are read-only - we encapsulate our Hero state this way. If we need give more access to code that calls Hero we can simply return FloatV in case of health() method - this would be equal to creating setter in old-school code but we would achieve that with only one method.

Compound Types

Once we covered basic types let's jump to some advanced values. Our float jValues can be easily compound into another types. As you suspect everything that was true for float jValues is true for vector jValues:

VectorC earthGravity = vectorC(0, -10);
FloatV ballMass = floatV(1);
VectorG force = mul(earthGravity, ballMass);

System.out.println(force) // prints "vector(0, -10)"
System.out.println(force) // prints "vector(0, -20)"

Composition is not limited to one level only. For example Quad (quadrilateral) is composition of four vectors, each containing position of one quad vertex:

QuadC rectangle = quad(vectorC(0, 0), vectorC(1, 0), vectorC(1, 1), vectorC(0, 1));
FloatV angle = floatV(0);
QuadG rotated = rotate(rectangle, angle);

Future improvements

jValues is pretty young library so might miss some functionality that you find important in your project. If that is the case drop me a line. Whole library code is autogenerated by java tool created for that purpose so adding new types and functions is quite painless.

jvalues has been successfully used at PerunLabs in a number of android games. You can find more about PerunLabs at: