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ASP.NET Core application to peruse product reviews. User emails are included in requests to Amazon (since Amazon doesn't provide an API).

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Local Dev Setup

Copy devsecrets.json.example to devsecrets.json and fill in reasonable values (even in the DScrib2 project).

The Tests project is for exercising the code but you have to babysit it right now.

Linux Build Commands

# Restore dependencies
> dotnet restore DScrib2/DSCrib2.csproj --runtime ubuntu.16.04-x64

# Clean
> dotnet clean DScrib2/DSCrib2.csproj

# Build release    
> dotnet build DScrib2/DSCrib2.csproj --runtime ubuntu.16.04-x64 --configuration Release

# Publish to a folder. Has issues.
> rm -rf ./DScrib2/pubroot
> dotnet publish DScrib2/DSCrib2.csproj --output pubroot --runtime ubuntu.16.04-x64 --configuration Release

Mac build and run

You may have to create the database and run Schema.sql to create the schema.

Create a .envrc in the root folder and direnv allow it. It should have your Google client id:

export GoogleClientId=""


> cd DScrib2
> dotnet build DSCrib2.csproj

> cp ../devsecrets.json ./

You might have to change how the connection string is setup. On OS X, this works: "Database=dscrib2development;Host=localhost". But on Windows, a space delimiter instead of a semicolon works.

# Start the server.
> dotnet run bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/DScrib2.dll

You don't have to publish it.

Tech Used

  • ASP.NET Core 2.1
  • Entity Framework Core 2.1.x
  • Google.Apis.Auth for leveraging Google sign-ins.
  • Newtonsoft.Json
  • AngleSharp

This project started as an ASP.NET MVC 5 project.