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Jeffrey edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the VWorkflows wiki!


To make the VWorkflows the best JavaFX dataflow programming library possible, we are collecting a list of the features that we'd like to see in the library one day. This is our sketchbook. Once we start building, we'll use the issue tracker to manage new features.


  • Set controls for input and output ports. The programmer should be able to connect ports with an expression or graphically. The control should be determined by the datatype. For example, if you have a color port, the control should display a color picker.
  • Animate propagation of data through the workflow
  • Layout of workflows using graph layout algorithms JUNG

Workspace and Interaction

  • Select edge, press DEL deletes the edge
  • Node toolbar
  • Add nodes to workspace by right-click
  • Minimap to show the current working area in the context of the whole space
  • Zoomable workspace
  • Pannable workspace Provide an unlimited canvas working area. The canvas area only expands if a node is dragged into the area.
  • Semantic zooming - depending on the zoom level of the node, render it differently
    • Make it possible for a group of nodes to be at different zoom levels. This provides a lens-like effect.
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