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0.33.0 - March 2022 (2022-03-09)

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@Dominik-Vogel Dominik-Vogel released this 09 Mar 14:00


  • Added a function qcodes.dataset.get_guids_by_run_spec to look up dataset guids
    from run specficiations. This replaces the now deprecated semi-public method
    get_guids_from_run_spec. It has a better handling of connections and more filtering options matching
    load_by_run_spec. (#3863)
  • A new set of validators MultiTypeAnd and MultiTypeOr that allows combination of
    other validators with And and Or were added. For backwards compatibility the existing
    MultiType validator takes a combiner argument defaulting to Or. (#3917)


  • Fixed a typo in legacy PyqtGraph plot preventing correct handling of custom units.
    Regression from 0.32.0 (#3773)
  • The warning triggered when a parameter is added to the snapshot incorrectly has been improved to include the
    name of the full instrument and two levels of stack information. This should make it easier to find the
    problematic parameter. (#3884)
  • Development versions of QCoDeS are now formatted as
    e.g. 0.32.0.dev14+name.of.branch.gxxxxx(.dirty)
    rather than "{version}+{distance}.{vcs}{rev}". This is
    done since pip in some cases considers the later equal to the released
    version and include more info to let you easily identify the
    branch installed from. Note that due to limitations in characters
    in version numbers /_- are normalized to . e.g. a branch named
    myname/my_branch-name becomes in the
    version number. (#3890)
  • ChannelTuple now has a repr that correctly identifies it as a ChannelTuple
    and not a ChannelList (#3911)
  • Parameter.unit is now a settable property rather than an attribute.
    This should have few implications for user facing code but makes it possible
    to do the same in a parameter subclass implementing validation or other functionality
    as needed. (#3929)
  • Metadata added after DataSet export to a netcdf file is now also added
    to that exported netcdf file (unless the exported netcdf file has been moved
    to a new location and set_netcdf_location was not called with that new
    location of the file) (#3932)
  • In the interactive widget the total time of a run is now correctly calculated as
    end-time - start-time not the other way around. (#3944)
  • Loading a 2 or higher dimentional qcodes dataset back from a netcdf file has been corrected to
    show the dataset in the correct shape.
    QCoDeS dataset are now always written to netcdf files from the cache with the same order of axis as in memory. (#3945)
  • Datasets now correctly preserve the shape information when exported to another database. (#3956)
  • Functions and classes marked deprecated with the QCoDes Deprecation decorator will now trigger
    warnings that reflect where they are called from and not the location of the deprecation decorator. (#3959)

Improved Drivers:

  • AMI430 3D magnet power supply driver: restore ramp rates of individual magnet
    axes after simultaneous ramp via calling wait_while_all_axes_ramping or
    automatically if block_during_ramp is True. (#3885)
  • Update the Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope driver to use ParameterWithSetpoints and also make the driver
    work without needing to run prepare_curvedata before measurement. Measurement subsystem is updated to be
    channel aware so it is possible to run measurements on multiple channels in a single qcodes measurement.
    For multiple traces, added the option to control automatic sweeping, similar to the N52xx driver. We can
    now take data from multiple channels with a single digitize. (#3916)
  • Fix baud rate of QDevil and QDev QDac's to be 460800 (#3931)
  • The Zurich instrument driver stubs in qcodes.instrument_drivers.zurich_instruments have been updated
    to use the 0.3 version of zhinst-qcodes (#3969)
  • Fixed a typo that prevented initialization of Agilent 34400A (#3981)