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An I2C slave coprocessor based on the ARM Cortex M0+ LPC845 from NXP

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LPC845 I2C Slave Coprocessor

This projects implements an extensible command parser that you can communicate with using the I2C0 peripheral block in slave mode. It causes the LPC845 to behave similar to most I2C sensors, in that you interact with the coprocessor via a series of register reads and writes from any standard I2C master.

Project files are based on MCUXpresso IDE, available free of charge from NXP.

Design Goal

The main purpose of this demo is to enable the use of the low-cost but relatively high-performance ARM Cortex M0+ LPC845 from NXP as an affordable real-time co-processor on systems that have no or limited real time control, such as the Raspberry Pi or other Linux-based embedded systems.

It can also be used in situations where the main MCU may not have enough pins, SRAM or peripherals, such as requiring an additional HW UART block with flow control, or driving a large number of timing-specific peripherals like NeoPixels.

Since the coprocessor communicates over I2C, multiple devices can be used in the same system by changing the I2C address accepted by the LPC845.

Hardware Setup

This demo makes use of two pins for the I2C bus, plus the common GND pin.

You MAY also need two 4.7K pullup resistors, which are required on the I2C bus to pull the SCL and SDA pins to logic high (connect the resistor between SCL and VDD, and SD and VDD). The I2C master (the device you are connecting the LPC845 to) may or may not have these available. If no pullups are present, the I2C bus won't work, but you will need to verify this on the platform you are using as the I2C Master.

Function LPC845 Breakout Notes
SCL P0_10 (Pin 23) MAY require a 4.7K pullup to VDD
SDA P0_11 (Pin 24) MAY require a 4.7K pullup to VDD
GND GND (Pin 20) --

ADC Input (Optional)

The examples later in this readme use the ADC registers on the I2C co-processor, so you may want to connect the ADC CH0 to an appropriate load using the following pin:

Function LPC845 Breakout Notes
ADC P0_07 (Pin 32) ADC input used by the ADC commands

LPC845 Breakout Pinout


There are two key parts of the LPC845 I2C coprocessor:

  • The I2C Slave Engine
  • The Command Registry/Parser

I2C Slave Engine

The I2C0 peripheral is configured as a slave device responding to the address set in i2c_cfg.h:

#define I2C_CFG_ADDR_7BIT (0x7EU)

The I2C engine has the following logic:

  • Continuously Wait for a START or REPEATED START event to occur.
  • Once a START or REPEATED START even is detected:
    • If this is a WRITE request, send the incoming payload to the write command handler associated with that register/opcode.
      • Track the last register/opcode written to correlate it with subsequent read attempts.
    • If this is a READ request, the read command handler associated with the specified register/opcode will be fired in the I2C0 slave callback.

Command Registry/Parser

I2C commands are distinguished by a unique 8-bit opcode (or 'register'), and a registry of all of these commands is maintained as a singly-linked-list.

To add commands to the registry, you need to define a unique opcode for the command, and register the command information via cmd_register(struct cmd_record *rec), passing in an appropriate cmd_record instance.

NOTE: Because the command registry is implemented as a singly-linked-list, commands can be dynamically added or removed at run-time if you need to have the flexibility of only making specific commands available in certain situations.

Adding a new Command Handler

You can easily add new commands to the registry using the following steps:

1. Select an opcode

Before you can implement a new command handler, you will need to select a unique 8-bit opcode or 'register', and add it to cmd_op_codes.h. All opcodes are defined here to avoid any unintentional value overlap.

2. Implement the Read/Write Functions

Read and write functions are mandatory for any command, and use the following function signatures:

Note the optional third argument (void *arg). This can be used to pass in a user-defined value, and is provided as a convenience.

typedef int (*cmd_write_cb_t)(uint8_t op_code,
		     struct cmd_data *pdata, void *arg);

typedef int (*cmd_read_cb_t)(uint8_t op_code,
		     struct cmd_data *pdata, void *arg);

For example, the follow functions are defined for WHOAMI:

cmd_whoami_write_cb(uint8_t op_code, struct cmd_data *pdata, void *arg)
	/* This register is read only, ignore any write attempts. */

	return kStatus_Success;

cmd_whoami_read_cb(uint8_t op_code, struct cmd_data *pdata, void *arg)
	if (pdata->len) {
		memset(pdata->payload, 0, pdata->len);
		pdata->payload[0] = CMD_WHOAMI_ID;

	return kStatus_Success;

3. Register the Command

Once you've selected an op-code, and implemented the read and write functions, commands can be added to the registry via cmd_register, which appends them to the singly-linked-list.

An example of using this function to register a command is shown in the following code (which registers the WHOAMI command):

	int rc;

	/* Register cmd with the command registry */
	rc = cmd_register(&cmd_whoami_record);
	if (rc) {
		goto err;

	return kStatus_Success;
	return rc;

Any time a valid command is received, the I2C engine will traverse the command registry and if a matching opcode is found, the command's read or write function will be fired, and appropriate actions can be taken based on the request packet.

Default Command Set

The following commands are implemented as a starting point in this application.

NOTE: Opcode values are centrally defined in source/cmd/cmd_op_codes.h.

General Purpose

WHOAMI (0x01)


This command will respond with 0x45 after a read request, and can be used as a sanity check at system startup to make sure you are talking to the device you think is connected on the other side.

VERSION (0x02)


This command will return an 8-bit value to identify the firmware version on the co-processor.

This can be useful in situations where future versions of the firmware may be required to implement breaking changes, or add or remove commands. By checking the firmware version at startup, these different use cases can be accomodated on the I2C master side.


The 12-bit ADC on the LPC845 is exposed on the coprocessor using ADC_CHAN0, which corresponds to P0_07 by default.

ADC_HI (0x11)


Reading form this register will trigger a new ADC conversion, and return the upper 4-bits of the 12-bit ADC sample (wrapped in an 8-bit package). The lower 8-bits can then be read via the ADC_LO opcode.

NOTE: You should always read the ADC_HI register first, since this opcode triggers a new ADC conversion.

ADC_LO (0x12)


Returns the lower 8-bits of the last 12-bit ADC sample requested.

ADC_STAT (0x13)


This 8-bit register provides details on the last ADC conversion, and has the following format:

Bit(s) Description
0 Overrun Flag (1=overrun occurred)
1:4 ADC Channel (0..7)
5:7 Reserved

Example Code

The doc/examples folder contains a number of examples of how to communicate with the LPC845 coprocessor over I2C using a variety of comman platforms. See the specific sub-folder(s) for further details.


You can easily connect the LPC845 I2C Co-processor the the Arduino using the standard I2C pins (SCL and SDA).

Hardware Setup

You will need to connect SCL on the Arduino to SCL on the LPC845, and SDA on the Arduino to SDA on the LPC845:

Func. Arduino LPC845 Breakout
SCL SCL P0_10 (Pin 23)
SDA SDA P0_11 (Pin 24)
GND GND GND (Pin 20)

There are no 4.7K pullups on the Arduino by default, so you will also need to add two 4.7K (or similar) pullup resistors between the following pins:

  • SCL and 3.3V (o SCL ---[ 4.7K ]--- 3.3V o)
  • SDA and 3.3V (o SDA ---[ 4.7K ]--- 3.3V o)

Example Code

Run the following sketch on your Arduino once you have connected the two boards are described above:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define LPC845_ADDRESS          (0x7E)

#define LPC845_OPCODE_WHOAMI    (0x01)
#define LPC845_OPCODE_VERSION   (0x02)
#define LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_HI    (0x11)
#define LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_LO    (0x12)
#define LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_STAT  (0x13)

    @brief  Writes an 8 bit value over I2C
void write8 (uint8_t opcode, uint32_t value)
  Wire.write(value & 0xFF);

    @brief  Reads an 8 bit value over I2C
uint8_t read8(uint8_t opcode, bool stop_cond = false)
  Wire.requestFrom((byte)LPC845_ADDRESS, (byte)1);

    @brief  Configures the Arduino-compatible board for Serial output at
            115K and I2C master at the default rate (normally 100kHz).
            Also attempts to detect the presence of the LPC845 I2C
            coprocessor via a check to the WHOAMI register.
void setup()

  while (!Serial) {

  Serial.println("LPC845 I2C Coprocessor Test");



  /* Make sure we're actually connected */
  uint8_t x = read8(LPC845_OPCODE_WHOAMI);
  if (x != 0x45) {
    Serial.print("Unexpected response from WHOAMI: 0x");
    Serial.println(x, HEX);
    while(1) {
      /* Halt execution here. */
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  /* Check the firmware version */
  x = read8(LPC845_OPCODE_VERSION);
  Serial.print(F("Found LPC845 coprocessor (Firmware: 0x"));
  Serial.print(x, HEX);

    @brief  This function will be called continously.
void loop()
  uint8_t  adc_hi = 0;
  uint8_t  adc_lo = 0;
  uint16_t adc = 0;
  uint8_t  adc_stat = 0;

  /* Get an ADC reading from the coprocessor every second. */
  adc_hi = read8(LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_HI);
  adc_lo = read8(LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_LO);
  adc = (uint16_t)(adc_lo | (adc_hi << 8));
  adc_stat = read8(LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_STAT);

  /* Display the results */
  Serial.print("ADC: ");
  Serial.print(" (CH: ");
  Serial.print((adc_stat >> 1) & 0xF);
  Serial.print(", Overrun: ");
  Serial.print(adc_stat & 0x1);

  /* Blinky, because ... blinky. */
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

Raspbery Pi (Python)

The Raspberry Pi contains HW I2C pins and support, meaning that you can communicate with the LPC845 I2C co-processor by connecting the LPC845 to the RPi using the SCL and SDA pins, and send and receive data in C or Python (or most other languages).

Hardware Setup

The following pins should be connected.

Func. Raspberry Pi LPC845 Breakout
SCL 3 (See image below) P0_10 (Pin 23)
SDA 2 (See image below) P0_11 (Pin 24)
GND GND (Black pins below) GND (Pin 20)

SCL (3) and SDA (2) ALREADY HAVE 1.8K pullups to 3.3V, so no additional connections or components are required here! The I2C pins can be connected directly together between the RPi and the LPC845, and the I2C bus will be automatically pulled high by default.

Raspberry Pi Pinout

Initial Raspberry Pi Setup Notes

If you've setup a new Raspberry Pi using Raspbian, and you don't have it hooked up to a display or keyboard, you can use a USB serial adapter (FTDI, etc.) and connect to the TTY UART pins on the RPi:

  • BCM14 (TXD)
  • BCM15 (RXD)

With the cable connected between your desktop and the RPi, you can run a terminal emulator on your desktop at 115200 baud. For OS X or Linux, for example, you could use minicom (OPT+X to exit!):

$ minicom -D /dev/tty.usbserial -b 115200

When prompted for a login, the default username and password are

  • Username: pi
  • Password: raspberry.

Network Access

You will require network access for the apt-get install commands below.

If you need help setting WiFi up, see Setting WiFi up via the command line.

Once network access has been established, the following commands should be run on the RPi to enable I2C support if it hasn't previously been enabled:

RPi I2C Prerequisites (Raspbian)

1. Enable I2C on the RPi

Before you can use I2C, you will need to enable it on the device. Run:

$ sudo raspi-config

Then select Interfacing Options, I2C, and select Yes when asked Would you like the ARM I2C interface to be enabled?.

2. Install i2c-tools

$ sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

3. Install python-smbus

Finally, you should install the smbus library for Python if you wish to access I2C using Python:

$ sudo apt-get install python-smbus

Example Code (Python)

The following python code will connect to the LPC845 I2C co-processor and perform a few basic read and write requests:

import sys
import time
import smbus

I2C_BUS = 1

LPC845_I2C_ADDR = 0x7E

# Declare an instance of the I2C bus
bus = smbus.SMBus(I2C_BUS)

# Check the WHOAMI register and read ADC if the co-processor was found
whoami = bus.read_byte_data(LPC845_I2C_ADDR, LPC845_OPCODE_WHOAMI)
if whoami != 0X45:
    print("Unable to find the LPC845 I2C co-processor. Check pullups?")

# Read from the ADC every second until program execution stops
while True:
    adc_hi = bus.read_byte_data(LPC845_I2C_ADDR, LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_HI)
    adc_lo = bus.read_byte_data(LPC845_I2C_ADDR, LPC845_OPCODE_ADC_LO)
    adc = adc_hi<<8 | adc_lo
    print("ADC Output: ", adc)


An I2C slave coprocessor based on the ARM Cortex M0+ LPC845 from NXP






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