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ROS2 package containing the base classes (virtual and templates) to ease the development of some ROS2-based Behavior Trees leaf nodes


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ROS2 BT Utils

Package containing the base classes (virtual and templates) to ease the development Behavior Trees leaf nodes in ROS2, using BehaviorTree.CPP.



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The classes contain the source code needed to set up the client side of ROS2's Actions, Services, and subscribe to a Topic:

  • ActionROSActionClient(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::string &ros_action_name) (The base class of a BT action with name name and NodeConfiguration config that implements the client side of the ROS Action named ros_action_name)

  • ActionROSServiceClient(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::string &service_name) (The base class of a BT action with name name and NodeConfiguration config that implements the client side of the ROS Service named service_name)

  • ConditionTopicSubscriber(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::string &topic_name) (The base class of a BT condition with name name and NodeConfiguration config that reads the most updated message of from the topic topic_name)

  • ConditionROSServiceClient(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config, const std::string &service_name) (The base class of a BT condition with name name and NodeConfiguration config that implements the client side of the ROS Service named service_name)


You just need to implement the following function:

YOURACTION::Goal computeGoal()

that computes the ROS Action Goal to be sent to the server.

BT::NodeStatus elaborateResultAndReturn(const ClientGoalHandle<YOURACTION>::WrappedResult result);

That elaborates the results and computes the BT::NodeStatus to be sent to the BT parent node. The return status should be SUCCESS or FAILURE.

void elaborateFeedback(const TOURACTIONGOALFeedbackConstPtr feedback);

that is called at each ROS Action feedback received.

Moreover, the BT Node returns FAILURE if the Result Code of the ROS Action is CANCELED or ABORTED. It returns RUNNING otherwise (It actually implementa a BT::CoroActionNode, see here the details.).

Below a simple example of an BT Action Node class that reads a geometry_msgs::msg::Pose from the BT blackboard and sends it as a goal to the action named navigate_to_pose from Nav2. It also writes the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA):

header file:

#include <geometry_msgs/msg/pose_stamped.hpp>
#include <nav2_msgs/action/navigate_to_pose.hpp>
#include <ros2_bt_utils/action_client.hpp>

using NavigateToPoseFeedback = typename rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<

class ActionGoto : public ros2_bt_utils::ActionROSActionClient <nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose>
   ActionGoto(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config);

   static BT::PortsList providedPorts()
      return {BT::InputPort<geometry_msgs::msg::Pose>("pose")};

   nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose::Goal computeGoal() override;
   void elaborateFeedback(const ROSActionGoalFeedbackConstPtr feedback) override;
   BT::NodeStatus elaborateResultAndReturn(
      const rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose>::WrappedResult result) override;
   rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr ros_node_; 

implementation file

#include <geometry_msgs/msg/pose_stamped.hpp>
#include <nav2_msgs/action/navigate_to_pose.hpp>
#include <ros2_bt_utils/action_client.hpp>
#include <tf2_geometry_msgs/tf2_geometry_msgs.hpp>

using NavigateToPoseFeedback = typename rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<

ActionGoto::ActionGoto(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config)
    : ActionROSActionClient(name, config, "navigate_to_pose")
   RCLCPP_INFO(ros2_bt_utils::ROSNode()->get_logger(), "Creating %s", name.c_str());

nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose::Goal ActionGoto::computeGoal()
   geometry_msgs::msg::Pose goal_pose;
   getInput("pose", goal_pose);  // get goa value from BT blackboard
   nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose::Goal goal;
   goal.pose.header.frame_id = "map";
   goal.pose.pose = goal_pose;
   return goal;

void ActionGoto::elaborateFeedback(const ROSActionGoalFeedbackConstPtr feedback)
   RCLCPP_INFO(ros2_bt_utils::ROSNode()->get_logger(), "ETA: %d",

BT::NodeStatus ActionGoto::elaborateResultAndReturn(
    [[maybe_unused]] const rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<
        nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose>::WrappedResult result)
      RCLCPP_INFO(ros2_bt_utils::ROSNode()->get_logger(), "Goal Reached. BT Node returning Success");
   // NavigateToPose.action is std_msgs/Empty
   return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;


You just need to implement the following functions:

YOURSERVICE::Request::SharedPtr computeRequest()

That computes the service request, and

BT::NodeStatus elaborateResponseAndReturn(const YOURSERVICE::Response response)

That takes the service response and returns the final return status of the BT node as BT::NodeStatus(i.e. BT::SUCCESS or BT::FAILURE).


You just need to implement the following function:

BT::NodeStatus elaborateMessageAndReturn(const YOURTOPICMESSAGE msg)

that takes a topic message and returns the return status of the BT node as BT::NodeStatus(i.e. BT::SUCCESS or BT::FAILURE). However it may the the case that the Condition Node gets ticked before the message is published. This should not. For this reason you need to implement the function:

BT::NodeStatus boundaryConditionStatus()

whose return status will be used when the message msg is not published.

Below a simple example of a condition node class that reads the battery level from the topic /battery and compares it with reference_value from the blackboard;


#include <ros2_bt_utils/condition_topic_subscriber.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/battery_state.hpp>

class ConditionBatteryLevelAbove
    : public ros2_bt_utils::ConditionTopicSubscriber<sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState>
   ConditionBatteryLevelAbove(const std::string &name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &config);

   static BT::PortsList providedPorts() { return {BT::InputPort<float>("reference_value")}; }

   BT::NodeStatus elaborateMessageAndReturn(sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState msg) override;
   BT::NodeStatus boundaryConditionStatus() override;
   double reference_value, current_value;

implementation file

#include <ros2_bt_utils/condition_topic_subscriber.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/battery_state.hpp>
ConditionBatteryLevelAbove::ConditionBatteryLevelAbove(const std::string &name,
                                                       const BT::NodeConfiguration &config)
    : ConditionTopicSubscriber(name, config, "/battery_state")
   RCLCPP_INFO(ros2_bt_utils::ROSNode()->get_logger(), "Creating %s", name.c_str());

BT::NodeStatus ConditionBatteryLevelAbove::elaborateMessageAndReturn(
    sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState msg)
   current_value = msg.percentage;
   getInput("reference_value", reference_value);

   return current_value > reference_value ? BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS : BT::NodeStatus::FAILURE;

BT::NodeStatus ConditionBatteryLevelAbove::boundaryConditionStatus()
   // if no message has arrived, assumes that the battery level is high enough
   RCLCPP_WARN(ros2_bt_utils::ROSNode()->get_logger(), "Assuming Battery level high ");
   return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;


You just need to implement the following functions:

  YOURSERVICE::Request::SharedPtr computeRequest()

That computes the service request, and

  BT::NodeStatus elaborateResponseAndReturn(const YOURSERVICE::Response response)

That takes the service response and returns the return status of the BT node as BT::NodeStatus(i.e. SUCCESS or FAILURE).


ROS2 package containing the base classes (virtual and templates) to ease the development of some ROS2-based Behavior Trees leaf nodes







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