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Favorite Places Service

Service for saving favorite places.


Install the appropriate software:

  1. Docker Desktop.
  2. Git.
  3. PyCharm (optional).


Clone the repository to your computer:

git clone
  1. To configure the application copy .env.sample into .env file:

    cp .env.sample .env

    This file contains environment variables that will share their values across the application. The sample file (.env.sample) contains a set of variables with default values. So it can be configured depending on the environment.

  2. Build the container using Docker Compose:

    docker compose build

    This command should be run from the root directory where Dockerfile is located. You also need to build the docker container again in case if you have updated requirements.txt.

  3. To run application correctly set up the database. Apply migrations to create tables in the database:

    docker compose run favorite-places-app alembic upgrade head
  4. Now it is possible to run the project inside the Docker container:

    docker compose up

    When containers are up server starts at You can open it in your browser.



To first initialize migration functionality run:

docker compose exec favorite-places-app alembic init -t async migrations

This command will create a directory with configuration files to set up asynchronous migrations' functionality.

To create new migrations that will update database tables according updated models run this command:

docker compose run favorite-places-app alembic revision --autogenerate  -m "your description"

To apply created migrations run:

docker compose run favorite-places-app alembic upgrade head

Automation commands

The project contains a special Makefile that provides shortcuts for a set of commands:

  1. Build the Docker container:

    make build
  2. Generate Sphinx documentation run:

    make docs-html
  3. Autoformat source code:

    make format
  4. Static analysis (linters):

    make lint
  5. Autotests:

    make test

    The test coverage report will be located at src/htmlcov/index.html. So you can estimate the quality of automated test coverage.

  6. Run autoformat, linters and tests in one command:

    make all

Run these commands from the source directory where Makefile is located.


The project integrated with the Sphinx documentation engine. It allows the creation of documentation from source code. So the source code should contain docstrings in reStructuredText format.

To create HTML documentation run this command from the source directory where Makefile is located:

make docs-html

After generation documentation can be opened from a file docs/build/html/index.html.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




  • Python 95.6%
  • Makefile 2.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.5%
  • Mako 0.9%