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C++ library for accessing the the modbus interface of SMA inverters.

See for documentation.


  • Easy to use
  • Connect to a SMA inverter via TCP and RTU
  • Uses a sqlite3 database for the modbus register information of the inverters
  • Automatically convertes the raw modbus registers to usable formats



Furthermore meson ( and ninja are required to build the library. Both can be installed with pip install ninja meson.


git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd modbusSMA
meson build
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install # Only to install the library

Code Sample

#include <modbusSMA/ModbusAPI.hpp>
#include <vector>

using namespace modbusSMA;
using namespace std;

int main() {
  ModbusAPI mapi("", 502); // Create the main API object

  // Call further configuration functions here.

  ErrorCode err = mapi.setup();        // Connect to the modbus interface with ModbusAPI::setup()
  auto      reg = mapi.getRegisters(); // Get a pointer to the RegisterContainer where all registers are stored.

  // Use the shared RegisterContainer pointer (reg) to get a list of supported registers.
  vector<uint16_t> toFetch = {30051, 30053, 30529, 30535, 30538};

  err = mapi.updateRegisters(toFetch); // Fetch the values of the registers and store them in the RegisterContainer

  // The fetched register values can now be retrieved from the shared RegisterContainer
  vector<Register> registersWithValues = reg->getRegisters(toFetch);
  return 0;