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@curquiza curquiza released this 15 Jun 14:36
  • Refacto and simplify the code for better contributions (#36)
  • Fix: Search params crash when they are a list of strings (#42)
  • Implement the wait_for_pending_update method (#43)
  • Add attributesForFaceting settings routes (#44)
  • Implement facets in search using facetFilters and facetsDistribution (#46 and #51)
  • Change prototype of create_index and index methods (#50)
  • Update README and dependencies

Breaking changes due to the MeiliSearch breaking upgrade (from v0.10.X to v0.11.X)

  • in the GET /stats route, the fieldsFrequency attribute is renamed into fieldsDistribution. The value of this attribute does not change. (#39)
  • MeiliSearch is currently doing a better error handler. Now, the following attributes are present in the body answer when raising an error: errorCode, errorType and errorLink.
    The message attribute still exists but the value of this field might change for some errors.
    We do not recommend using the content of these fields immediately (wait for the v0.12.0): MeiliSearch is indeed still working on this error handler and the content of these fields will probably change.

Thanks to @eskombro and @curquiza!