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ActsAsProduct for Mongoid::Documents

Simple Mongoid based shopping cart. Every Model can get a Product to put into a cart. You simply need a User model and one or more models which should act as a product. Tests are written in rSpec.


  • Multiple Models can be put into cart
  • CartController already setup
  • current_cart view_helpers for cart
  • able to set more than one cart (multiple wishlists) (@wip)

@wip This project is evolving and work in progress! If you wanna use a most basic working version, you can nail down version 0.5. Use without version to stay on top.

Please feel free to contribute (Pull requests).

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


Put this into your gemfile

gem 'mongoid_cart'

Mount the cart engine and put this into your routes.rb (you can skip this, if you already have your cart_views)

mount MongoidCart::Engine => '/cart'

Now you have the CartController ready setup

Let's add the functionality to your model(s) Yes, you can attach this to more than one! ;-)

include MongoidCart::ActsAsProduct

With this line above your model will get new fields, relations and functions, you can override them in your model if you want, but they are present already:

field :sku, type: String # unique Product ID
field :product_title, type: String # Title/Name of the product
field :net_price, type: Float # simple net price for item
field :in_stock, type: Float # simple net price for item
field :units, type: Array # must provide an array with values for units of product

validates_presence_of :product_title, :net_price, :in_stock, :units

has_many :cart_items
carts # return all carts, where the product is used.

type # returns the class_name as string. This will be used by MongoidCart to be able to fetch your products.
cart # returns the cart.
amount= # set the amount to add or reduce
unit= # any unit of self.units
to_cart_item_params #returns params prepared to add to a cart. Can also be used in views for example.

Attach User to be able to have carts

include MongoidCart::ActsAsCustomer

This adds the following functions to your User.model

current_cart # returns the very last cart or creates one
carts # returns all carts of user

relations automatically created

+----------------+    +-------------------+   +----------------------+  +----------------------+
|                |    |                   |   |                      |  |        Model 1       |
|                |    |                   |   |                      |  |                      |
|     User       |    |                   |   |                      |  |        Product       |
| ActsAsCustomer +--> | MongoidCart::Cart <---+ MongoidCart::CartItem+-->     ActsAsProduct    |
|                |    |                   |   |                      |  |                      |
|                |    |                   |   |                      |  |                      |
|                |    |                   |   |                      |  |                      |
+----------------+    +-------------------+   +----------------------+  +----------------------+
 has_many :carts       belongs_to :customer     belongs_to :cart     |   has_many :cart_items
                       has_many :cart_items     belongs_to :product  |   carts
                       products                 belongs_to :another_product
                       another_products                              |
                                                                     |  +----------------------+
                                                                     |  |       Model 2        |
                                                                     |  |                      |
                                                                     |  |    AnotherProduct    |
                                                                     --->    ActsAsProduct     |
                                                                        |                      |
                                                                        |                      |
                                                                        |                      |
                                                                                                                                                              has_many :cart_items

Now you can use it like this:

Your cart can be retrieved via current_cart

# add one product to cart
# increments product by one if already given

(if unit is not set, it will always the first unit in `units` array)

# increment product by n, and specific unit
current_user.current_cart.add(AnotherProduct.first, 2, AnotherProduct.units.sample)

# decrement product by one

# decrement product by n
current_user.current_cart.remove(Product.last, n)
current_user.current_cart.remove(Product.last, n, desired_unit)

To show your cart, simply make a partial which iterates through the ``current_cart` items


<% current_cart.each do |item| %>   
    <%= link_to(item.title, item) %> 
<% end %>

Price calculation
