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PNG Output (1.x)

Mike Daines edited this page May 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Viz.js provides the "png-image-element" format in addition to the regular Graphviz formats. This returns an HTMLImageElement which can be inserted into the document.

image = Viz("digraph g { a -> b; }", { format: "png-image-element" });

However, this won't work in a Web Worker context. In that case, ask for the "svg" format in the worker and convert using the accessory function Viz.svgXmlToPngImageElement in the window context. See tests/png.js for an example.

Internet Explorer support

Internet Explorer 10 and 11 require Fabric.js as an optional dependency for PNG output. Viz.js will look for a fabric object as a member of the global object with a loadSVGFromString() function and use that if present.