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SQLite Y-CRDTs Extension

This repo is WIP for wrapping Y-CRDT for SQLite.


Yjs provides a great way to implement CRDTs. This repository is exploratory PoC of building blocks that takes the implementation from Y-CRDT, and exposes them for usage inside SQLite as functions and operators (just like JSON). This will let developers build:

  • Inplace document creation, merging, and modification.
  • Identify useful set of operations required for comprehensive usage of Y-CRDTs.



cargo build

Once built load and use in sqlite3 by:

.load target/debug/libsqlite_y_crdt.dylib 
select ydoc_merge_update(ydoc(1), ydoc(1), 1);


  • ydoc(version): creates an empty YDOC with and serializes it to given version as BLOB
  • ydoc_merge_update(target, source, version): Decodes and merges updates from source into target. Encoding and decoding version is passed as version parameter.
  • ydoc_client_id([id]): Everytime creating a document the passed id will be used as document ID. Calling this function without parameters returns current ID. It's initialized as random value when extension is loaded.